chapter 69

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I looked at Laura to make sure she didnt read the message, then I answered a quick 'I'll come.' and put my phone away again.

"Laura, i, eh umm.. i gotta go." I stumbled and scratched my neck, nervously.

"Why do you have to goooo.." Laura huffed like a little kid who didnt get what it wanted.

"I'm sorry.." I said while standing up. I felt so uncomfortable doing this. "I'm gonna call you later. Bye babe." I bent down to her and gave her short peck on her lips before fast walking away.

Lauras Pov.

Okay this right now was just so weird, i didn't understand. And when i asked him why he had to go, he ignored it and didn't answer to my question.

Is something going on? I asked myself as I watched him going.

He let me alone sitting here, where we actually had a date. Did he cheat on me? Was there another girl he had sex with?

No, I trusted Ross. He wouldnt do that again, he promised.

I sighed and after a while i stood up too and walked home.

I got up the stairs slowly and when I arrived in my room, i closed the door and let myself fall onto the bed.

I looked at my ceiling. It was just a boring normal white ceiling, it wasnt even white anymore on some places, but who cared about ceilings on top of your wall anyways.

I could remember how i always wanted to have those stars on it. These stars everywhere. It would have been so awesome.

Maybe i would buy them someday.

Ross Pov.

I drove to our practice house and parked my car outside, got out and took my bag with my clothes.

I sighed and threw it over my shoulders, then i walked inside the building.

As soon as i was in, Courtney walked towards me. She didn't look happy, nor did she look like this was fun.

"Ross, its getting serious." She said and i looked at her.

"What do you mean?" (do not dare to sing jb now)

Courtney took my bag and laid it to the side, then she took my arm and pulled me a bit away. I was getting a bit afraid, you could say.

"He found me.." She said but then remembered it and rephrased the statement, ""

My heart started racing, "Does that mean hes coming?"

My best friend nodded but added something to my sentence, "But hes not alone." She turned around and started walking, i followed her.

"Look, with some apparatus from Jace, we can see where he is. Do not ask me how Jace managed it to hid it on his car, i dont know it by myself." She continued and we walked to some corridor i didnt know yet.

I breathed in and out, at least 20 times in one second, or that was what it felt like. I wasnt afraid to die, i was concerned about Laura.

"And where is he now?" I said but shut my mouth again as Courtney opened a door to some room.

Dylan and Cole sat in it. They sat in front of a huge computer and many little screens. It looked like in these movies.

"Why did you bring him?" Dylan said. wow bloodbrothers huh?

"We need him, you know exactly how good he is." Courtney told him and led me in, closed the door behind me.

Dylan rolled his eyes and looked at me, "One of the most important things when Aidan arrives is, that you dont show him how afraid you actually are."

"I'm not afraid." I cut him off before he could continue talking.

Dylan raised his eyebrow, "So? not even a bit?"

I shook my head and he started laughing lightly, "you know you could die in just a few hours? your friends, your family, your girlfriend..they wouldn't know what happened to you."

"Dylan!" Courtney said and looked at him and then at me.

I stood there, thinking about these fucking what ifs. I could die, he was right. But i wasnt going to.

"Dont be like that to him." Courtney whispered but i heard it anyways. "He doesn't deserve that."

I sighed and decided to ignore Dylan and went to Cole, "So, where is he?"

Cole showed me something on the computer. It was really confusing and i wouldn't understand anything of this.

"Too close to us." He started. "Look i dont know if courtney told you, but when she met him, she lived in Australia. Things became really bad when he started drinking."

I looked at Courtney and she looked down, pretending like she didnt hear, but i knew she did.

Why didnt she tell me about this? She once was my girlfriend, why couldnt she trust me?

"Hes gonna be here in at least 3 hours."

I swallowed, "Why didnt we know where he was until now?"

"Good question. Jace's sensor is programmed on alarming us when he reached LA, and he did now."

"How did he manage it hiding on his car?" I continued questioning and the door opened in the same moment.

"When i was in Australia with Courtney, he came and wanted her back. When Courtney told him he could forget that, he got angry and promised her to take revenge. I somehow managed it to go to his car and hid it on it. Aidan isnt really clever, but hes clever enough to find us, how you see." Jace came in the room and laid something on the table.

I looked at everyone, "Why dont you just contact the police?"

Courtney then sighed but still didnt look at me, "Because he is the police."

little update lol ahhahdnc i dont like the new wattpad update why cant insee comments on paragraphs anymore it sucks

im tired please remind me on never going to a party and staying till 3 am anymore.

i still gotta watch the 100 but im tired and ugh immgonna meet some friends now even tho its almost 10pm who cares anyways lol

i really really really miss 2013 ross and riker. rikers dark hair behind of his blonde, im..and ross' short hair and all these funny moments of just the siblings and not with their girlfriends. or ready set rock or r5 tv or their covers. things changed to mucu cry cry cry

anyways love you djfjjs

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