chapter 28

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Ross' POV.

"Courtney, are you ready?" I asked her. Since she was in the bathroom for like 30 minutes, I got bored.

I sat on the ground in front of it and looked around. I always loved Courts House.

It was so old school but still classy. You would immediately feel home here, you would immediately feel safe.

"Yaaha!" She screamed back and a few moments later, Court finally walked out, made me drop my mouth in awe.

She giggled, "shut your mouth, you could drool." That's when I realized what I did, I swallowed and stood up.

"You are looking fine." She said and came closer, "but.." She laid her hands on my tie and fixed it.

Then she clapped on my chest, "now, its perfect." I smiled.


*a hour later *

We were standing there, me drinking a glass of bowl and Courtney looking around when a girl came up to us, "hey, have you already voted for king and queen?"

We shook our heads, then she gave us a paper, "you also can vote for yourself." She smiled.

I handed it back to her, "I don't wanna vote, sorry."

I knew it was going to be Laura and Simon. It was sure since they're the most popular couple on our school. Plus, Simon gets loved by everyone, he's a charming boy.

The girl shrugged and looked at Courtney, "and you?" I faced Courtney too.

She nodded, "yes, I will. Thank you." Then the girl left after smiling back.

"I'm going to vote for me and Jace." She smirked, I rolled my eyes.

Jace Wayland, good looking, half muscular boy with blonde hair, a bit longer then mine, but still looking good though.

"What?" Courtney asked as she saw me rolling the eyes, "have you ever seen his cheekbones?" She continued.

I chuckled and drank a bit of my bowl again, when I saw Laura and Simon dancing.

Why the hell has it been hurting that much? She didn't even love me. She was happy with Simon.

I sighed, sadly. "Come on, Ross..let's dance.." Court interrupted my thoughts and I nodded my head yes.

It was such a dance were you are changing partners after a while.

Court and I danced to the beat, like we were living for it. It was fun changing partners and getting to know new faces.

It was..until my new partner was a well known face. Laura.

I laughed and she did too, but as we saw each other we immediately stopped but kept dancing. Going closer, pulling away, turning around, turning back.

"Lau-" I tried to begin, but she cut me off before i could even say one word,

"No, Ross. I'm not going to talk to you." She said and wanted to come over sure, but I felt the insecurity inside of her.

I sighed and let it be. We changed again until Court was my partner again, "you talked with her?" She asked.

I shook my head, "No, I tried. But no chance, as usual."

We left the dancing place and went back to our drinks. Good half a hour later, this one girl went on stage and took the micro, "when you all would take a moment, please."

Everyone turned to her and so did we. I actually didn't care but I didn't have anything better to do.

"King and Queen will get chosen now. Whoever it will be, will get the crowns, of course a slow dance, a picture.." she began smiling in excitement, "..and a voucher for something we aren't gonna tell you guys yet."

And with that she has left us clueless and confused, just to come back short after with the envelope.

"Ladies and Gentlemen.. drum-roll please!" Our school band did this drum-roll and everyone was excited for the results, everyone except me.

She opened the envelope and read it, "Ladies and Gentlemen, our King and Queen are..."

Of course she waited a few seconds, to hold our excitement.

"Laura Marano and Simon Lewis! Congratulations!" She smiled.

What did I say?


Hey, nice people,.I love you. And your comments, so comment fav lines, things you feel, things you wanna tell me. Thoughts, tips, wanting scenes (:

Was it what you expected???

Yes i has to put jace into it, i love jamie campbell bower so much, hes such a gorgeous man and i ship jamily like so much! (themortalinstrumentsfan righthere)

What do you think could happen next? TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS!!!!

Twitter: rudysmaia
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