chapter 64

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"Great Work, Guys. Training is over!" Jace said and smiled at Courtney as she smiled back.

I nodded exhausted and walked to my room to take a towel, then i went to the bathroom and washed my upper body.

Training was hard today. Of course, i wasnt used to this kind of training and it was new for me. I looked in the mirror and looked myself in the face. I let out a sigh.

When i was finished i walked out and saw Maya walking along the long, cold corridor.

Still curious about this girl i walked after her quietly. She opened her door, walked in and closed it then again.

I arrived at this door and looked at it, listened first but then opened her door.

She almost jumped up because I shocked her. "Sorry, i still gotta find my way to my room." I said, smiling.

Maya rolled her eyes and laid a few things onto her table. I walked into the room and looked around.

When she heard the noise the door made as it closed, she looked to me.

"Something you want from me?" She said, confused.

I laughed and shook my head, sat down onto her bed, "What is it with you?" I asked and she just gave me a not-getting-anything look.

"How you mean?"

"Why are you avoiding me so much the past week?" I frowned while looking at her.

"Im not avoiding you, guy with the angel hair." Maya said quietly.

"You know my name."

"Yes i do."

"Then say it." I smirked.

"Umm, No. i dont see a reason for that, boy with the sharp jaw line."

"Did you just compliment me two times?"

I laughed light and so did she. It made me feel good to make her laugh, somehow.

Maya had dimples when she laughed, that was cute i gotta say.

My look fell on this book she was picking up earlier so fast. As she noticed me looking on it, she laid another one on it and smiled nervously.

"Soo.. what do you want?" Maya asked to change the topic and sat down onto the table.

"Get to know you, thats what i want." I answered and scooted back, leaned against the headboard of the bed.

"Dont you wanna go home?" She smiled a little smile you wouldnt even see if you didnt look twice.

"Later. Tell me something about you."

She chuckled and hid one strand of hair behind her ear and then looked at me, "Well, What do you wanna know?" Her voice was this soft one again.

Her hands laid in her legs, she wore the clothes i wore, just for women. Her nails weren't long, they looked slightly bitten down.

"Firstly you could tell me your whole name and your age." I looked up to her face.

Her skin was pure, she didn't wear much make up. Maybe a bit mascara, but thats it.

Her thick black hair fitted her skin tone perfectly with these dark brown eyes.

"My name is Maya Vie and im 15 years old." She answered me.

I got surprised, "youre only 15?"

Maya giggled light, "Yes. I know people are mostly thinking im 16 or even 17. thats because of my dominant face i got from my dad.."

I noticed her getting sad while talking about him. I sat up.

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