chapter 66

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*a few weeks later*

still ross pov.

Yes, where should i start? Laura was okay again, she left the hospital after one week and a half again. But she had to stay home in her bed and just take a rest.

And about me? I was with her. Most of the time. I was there until she fell asleep, and then i either went home because my dad told me to, or i had to practice.

Unfortunately, i couldnt jazz up Mayas room with her yet, but i promised her to do it soon. Maya and I kind of became good friends.

Courtney, well courtney was courtney. My and Lauras Best friend. She visited Laura of course as well. Their friendship was something.

When i was at practice, i always were with Maya in my freetime. It was just fun hanging with her.

Courtney, Jace and Dylan already thought there would be something between us, but we both said no.

Maya really was like a sister for me. Like the little sister i never had, i felt like i had to protect her.

"Ross!" I heard a voice and snapped out of my daydreaming.

I twitched together short but then looked up, "yes?"

"youre next." Cole, someone who has the most say here, said in his typical 'i dont care about everything' voice and Dylan stood up and walked to some little table.

I took a breath and stood up, a bit nervous.

"thank you." Courtney, she still stood, touched my shoulder as i was passing her and gave me a weak smile.

"no need to." I whispered and smiled a bit back before walking to the mark which symbolized us where to stand.

Then i slowly turned to the 'crowd' of people. I stood there like you have to stay. strict, without emotions, but always ready to fight.

"Ross Lynch?" Cole began to speak and I nodded.

"You know we are in a serious situation?"

My jaw was clenched, i didnt look happy for sure. If you wanted to be a man someone could be afraid of, You had to act like one.

"Yes, I do." I answered harsh.

Now Cole nodded, "And you are sure to 100 percent, you would do anything to protect everyone of us, like everyone of us would do anything to protect you?"

"I am sure." At this moment, I thought about Laura. She didnt know a thing about this. When something would happen to me, who should tell her and how would she react?

He nodded again and symbolized me to go to Dylan. He had a little knife in his hand.

"Lets make it official." Cole said.

I swallowed and got a bit panic, what was Dylan going to do?

He began slowly cutting his hand inner surface. Blood began dripping down his arm slowly as he held the knife my way.

I looked at him and then at the knife.

"Do the same." He said and rolled his eyes.

He was going to be blood brother with me. I understood now.

I took the knife and then looked at my hand before slowly doing the same. It hurt, so i bit my teeth together, showing no emotions.

When i was done, i looked up and at Dylan. A few seconds later we shook hands and our blood collided.

This moment was different. I felt like all the tension between me and Dylan, just disappeared.


"Ouch.." I whispered to myself as i was standing in the bathroom, cleaning my hand, removing the dried blood.

I sighed and stopped short to look at myself in the mirror. I looked different.

Someone who sees me everyday wouldn't notice, but i did. Everything somehow has changed.

I just couldn't tell if i looked better, or worse.

"Knock, Knock." Maya said as she slowly looked in the bathroom.

I didnt close the door so someone who had to go on toilet could go, i would have gotten out then.

My gaze wandered to Mayas reflection in the mirror. She smiled a bit and so did I.

She still didnt smile often, but she did. And that was what counted.

"You dont look happy." She said and came in, closed the door behind her and leaned against it. "Whats wrong, blonde hair."

I chuckled a bit and sat down onto the toilet, took a towel and dried my hands careful before answering quietly, "nothing."

A few seconds later, Maya was kneeled down in front of me and looked at me. "Youre kind of a really bad liar."

"My girlfriend.." I said and lifted my chin.

"How is she? Laura, right?" I smiled a bit and nodded. I loved when she could remember things i just short told her about.

"Shes fine. Its just that im feeling incredibly uncomfortable at lying to her about this.."

Maya bit her lip and furrowed. "Why dont you tell her but tell her to not come with you or anything?"

"Do you think she would like me risking my life for courtney? I cant do that.."

We both sighed, and then sat down and pulled her legs up to her chest. "Tell me more about her."

"Shes beautiful." I began and smiled. "She is so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her.

I am so lucky to love her, Maya."

If you recognized the last thing ross said, then i love you even more than i already do. okay? okay.

here is a little update from which im not even sure if it makes sense. lol, do i care? no hahahhahahhahahhahahha

BTW GUYS!!! MY ONESHOT COMES ONLINE AT 11PM TODAY!! (so in my timezone) BE READY ILL TELL YOU WHEN ITS PUBLISHED!! ps, the dirty one won *sighs*

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