chapter 32

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Laura's POV.

Totally out of breath I looked after him. I saw to the left and to the right, if anybody had seen this.

My stomach felt like 1000 atomboms exploded and my chest was raising up and down, what did just happen?

I touched my lip as suddenly Simon came ran to me, his eye was swollen a bit and he seemed really aggressive.

"Where is he!?" He groaned and looked around. I wasn't able to just say one word, my words had left me.

"I will kill him!" My mouth was open the whole time, just to breath, but as he said that it just dropped more. I wanted to say something.

Simon saw it, I was sure. He turned towards me and eyed me. I swallowed, "Simon.." I whispered, roughly.

He shook his head, "Its okay, it wasn't your fault." His try to smile failed big times.

As Ross kissed me the first time, I just managed to pull back because I was in shock. I didn't see that coming at all.

But as I did, I wished I had not. Then he kissed me again, and I just couldn't help it but kiss back.

His lips were brushing over mines softly, but also with so much passion. Everyone would have gotten lost in it, and so got I.

I closed my eyes and took a breath, then I opened them again, "I am sorry.." Were the words which left my mouth.

Tears were building up again, so I ran away, I didnt know where I was running but I also didn't care.

My mind repeated what had happened the whole time, it was driving me insane. He said he wasn't faking the feelings.

How could I trust a mouth which lied to me the whole time? Was it a game? Another dare?

It stopped to rain, what made me kind if glad, since I could sit down somewhere. The sun came out and shined in my face.

I closed my eyes and collected the energy the sun was giving me, it felt good.

For a few seconds, I forget everything, but then the past pulled me back. All those boys who hurt me, who cheated on me and treated me like i was nothing.

Then there was Simon, I knew he loved me, and I loved him. He was perfect in his own way. But, and I can't believe I say that, I'm not sure if my feelings for him ever were that strong.

Had it a reason that my eyes always searched Ross on the schoolyard?  That I wanted to know how he was feeling? What all those girls wanted from him?

Was I denying one important fact?

Did I ever stop loving Ross Shor Lynch?

My wattpad is messing up again, yeah.

I feel like raura is going to happen soon! (Who is dirty minded? (; )

Comment fave line!!

What do you think happens next? What do you want to happen next?

Ily.all <3

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