chapter 51

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*a month later*

She was beautiful. She was natural. She was mine. It was just the best time i ever had.

It isn't like with Maia. Maias and my relationship was rough, tuff, you could almost say it was cold. We never played, except in bed. We didnt laugh together, except smirk laughs. We didnt kiss, we made out.

My and Lauras relationship on the other hand was almost perfect. We went on dates, all kinds of: Bowling, Inline skating, Swimming, even surfing, picnic in daylight, picnic in moonlight, we learned and made our homework together

With every boy that looked at her when we were outside, she just came closer to me and smiled at me. And I knew she did that because she didnt want other boys to look at her. She knew i gave her these looks, even when she most of the time didnt even notice me staring at her.

"Roooss?!" I sneaked out of my daydream and looked up at Laura, not knowing what she talked about.

She rolled her eyes smiling, "I asked you something, dumbass."

"Yes... No... To get to the other side... 1.77245..." I mumbled giving her a few answers.

Laura laughed, "I don't want to know what the square root of pi is."

I looked surprised, "you knew that?"

She smiled a bit and sat down next to me, taking my hand, "what's wrong?" Laura asked careful and with such a soft voice, i wanted to melt.

"Nothing, why are you thinking something is?" I looked at her, acting all confused.

The world was perfect when i was with her, but as soon as she left to go home because it was late, or because she just had to, my life turned upside down at home.

"I caught you daydreaming pretty often in this week, you seemed to think much. You're unhappy after it, like right now. I can see this, Ross. I know you. Youre my Best Friend."

I smiled weak. The fact that she was calling me her best friend while she held my hand and while i knew we were a couple, was just wonderful, but then i sighed and looked down to our hands.

"Its my dad." I said, desperately, "I miss him."

Laura felt that i didnt want to talk about this and just looked at me sadly and then laid her head on my shoulder, stroking my hand with her thumb and whispering, "I know, Ross.."

I was thankful for this. She knew how to behave around me when i didnt know it myself.

Maybe i was a bit pathetic, but who cared anyways?


2. THING: DO YOU WANT DRAMA? Like for example with his dad, or with simon?

And 3. Thing: I know this wasn't interesting but a few feelings and thoughts arent thst bad, right? im hoping im gonna write more interesting chapters again some time :)


love you all, goodnight.

(ps. evening reminder: you can ALWAYS dm me. I dont care if its here or on my Twitter; rudysmaia. or my insta; breakinglife or onlyraura. Im always gonna listen to your problems, or when you just want to talk to someone❤️)

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