chapter 43

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Lauras Pov

I liked my new talent of hypnotizing him. Because when i did it, i could look in his eyes and it wouldnt be awkward.

Ross' new habit was..well.. gettig used to, I'd say. It was hard seeing him kissing all those girls, but it still was his life.

And it was my own fault, i let him wait too long, even though I knew he still loved me, it were those little moments which showed me.

Court told me so often I just should finally get together with him, i was waiting for the right moment. But that was also the problem, i didnt find the perfect moment.

I stood in front of him, using my talent. It was quite funny. I could see him getting lost, but he still was freaking gorgeous.

He just got more handsome in those 2 months. Court and me often saw him shirtless since we three were best friends. Each time we did, we were amazed by his body.

But his body kind of attracted me. He had got a great frame, I loved the way his torso was shaped. His muscles were big but not disgustingly huge. It really got to me the way, if he put his head up and was laying on the couch, his neck, chest and head formed a great line i just wanted to kiss it all the way. And not even to begin with his v line..

I loved the way he made me feel small, because he was so much bigger than me. When we hugged i could perfectly wrap my arms around his body and our high difference was simply awesome.

But that isnt all what made me attracted to him. Lets just say, he had got the most sexiest morning voice ive ever heard in my whole life.

you hear it and just think; umm. can i have sex with you?

im not even kidding. how often I imagined it was me who kissed him in breaks and not some ugly girl.

But he was the cutest guy i knew as well. Ross helped me with my homework and went shopping with me. I really loved him for who he was. and that even when he went trough a hard time with his dad..


Ross Pov.

there she left. I smiled light, she was literally so cute and i liked being kind of hypnotized by her.

"you should try it again." I heard a voice behind me. Rydel was standing in the door.

"try what?" I asked and sat down on my bed.

She came to me and did the same, "with her. ask her again."

"No, im giving up, she doesnt wanna date me.."

"she loves you, Ross. you just gotta show her youre worth it. be a man for once."

I sighed, for some reason Rydel was right. but on the other hand, i didnt wanna get rejected again.

well all i can say is that there is dirty stuff coming up. i gotta practice writing dirty because im not sure if im good in that..but heres a new chap. hope you liked it. ❤️

comment fav line, if there is haha xoxo

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