chapter 3

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ross' pov.

Urg. Today is the day. I have to ask her out.. but who actually?

I called Ryan, he said we'd look in school who's the ugliest. And he laughed the whole time. This is gonna be worst day of my life. I can't go to school with Maia. I can't kiss her..urg I hate life.

In school

"Yo Ryan!", I shouted at him. He turned around, "Heheeyy", he laughed and we made a handshake. "And.. already someone in your little brain?", I said. Then he pushed me light and short later he pointed at some girl. "There." I looked at her. She was ugly. But not as ugly as I thought. "Urg..", "you're welcome.", then he clapped my shoulder and leaved..

Then I walked over to her. She was sitting on a bench. Reading some magazine. I dont wanna do this. I know I'll regret it. "Um.. hi" I said in the nicest sound I could do. She looked up and looked around her. Then she looked at me again, "did you" She pointed at herself. "No. I meant the tree behind you." Ups. This was a way too rude. This was gonna be difficult, "Sorry..", I sat next to her, "I'm Ross". I can't believe that I actually did this, but I gave her my hand to shake it. "I know who you are." She said while shaking my hand. Her hand was soft. "But I don't get why you're talking to me" I sighed. Let's bring that behind me. "I think you". Her eyes widened, "Y-you think you like m-me?". I nodded. "H..How?", "I don't know. I looked at you and realized how beautiful you are". She blushed hardcore. I think she doesn't get much compliments.

"Thanks" Laura whispered. I had to laugh but I bite my lips together. She believed me. "So.. I.. wanted to ask if you..maybe want to go out with me?", I asked in hope she would say no. "I thought you have a Girlfriend?". Oho. "I broke up with her because of you." I fake smiled. And again. She blushed. "Oh, okay..", "so?", she thought about it, "it would be a privilege". I smiled bigger.

Faked ..of course.

"Yes! so.. I pick you up at 8pm, okay?", she nodded fast and I gave her my phone number. "what's your name actually?", she smiled, "I'm Laura. Laura Marano". "See you later, Laura Marano", I said while I stood up, and then i leaved her in awe. I used my sexy voice.

I don't know why.

Gosh i dont know what i should do with her..

I do a simple picnic. That's what I do..

I honestly don't know what do write here xd so.. love you all

Qotd: Divergent or Hunger Games?
Aotd: Divergent! but I love the HG

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