chapter 54

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Shocked i hid the note and turned around. I just rolled my eyes as i saw who it was and looked away, "What do you want?"

"I gotta talk to you.." She said and sat down next to me. I looked over to her, confused.

"There is nothing we both have to talk about, Maia." I just didn't like her anymore.

I loved her for such a long time. I gave her everything. She on the other side just used me. I was someone with whom she could have sex. I was her toy.

"Ross.." She talked like she had headaches and rubbed her forehead. "I.."  My heart dropped at her next sentence.

"I fell in love with you again.." Maia said, sadly. I looked at her and laughed.

"again?" There wasn't an 'again'.

"Ross, I loved you. I really did.. Trust me. I, I-" She was trying to find the words, and i began thinking, forgetting about the note and anything else, "That with Ryan, It was complicated. Yes, I cheated on you with him for a long time and im sorry for that, but -"

I just had to cut her off, these memories, i couldnt handle them right now.

"Maia, stop.." I said, also being very sad.

She came closer to me and i looked at our legs being next to each other, "Why are you doing this?" I asked quietly and slowly, then i looked up at her.

"Don't you see it? I'm happy..I found my love, i came over you.. Why are you here trying to change my happiness?.." I was so confused.

I was sure i loved Laura, much more than I ever loved Maia. But of course my feelings for here didnt just wash away. We were a couple for a long time.

She then looked around, no one was here since they all were eating lunch or were on the other schoolyard. I was often here to think, It was kind of my place here - in a bench under a tree, Then she looked at me.

Our eyes connected, "Is there nothing i can do against it?" She asked, now not being that sad anymore, also her face changed, i just didnt know what exactly changed.

I shook my head and sighed, "Maia, Laura is my girlfr-" She sat down onto my lap, now.

I groaned as she began moving her waist. "Ross, remember what I can do to you." She said and then leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I know your weaknesses."

A smirk. It was a smirk which changed on her face. I didnt know how to react, I wanted to push her down!

I tried to fight against my body, but not just my mouth kept being shut, but also my body was like petrified.

She laid hand on my jeans, slowly opened it. My heart was beating way to fast for her in this moment, but it seemed like all my blood flowed in him.

There she was again, The girl i knew. The girl who just wanted to have sex. Shit what was going on with me.

Maia giggled a bit, "I guess he missed me, didnt he?" She looked at me and i dont know how she managed it but my boner was showing up and she sat closer to it and moved her waist forward and backward, slowly.

I closed my eyes, "M-Maia..This shoul- shouldnt happen."

She just ignored me and kept doing this. "Stop it!" I now bit my teeth together. No, This wasnt going to went further. I laid my hands onto her waist and pushed her away, Then i jumped up.

"I can't believe you, Maia!" I was mad now. I was horny and i was mad. And it was her fault.

She rolled her eyes and stood up, too. Grabbed my boner trough my boxers and squeezed light. From this sudden movement and because i was horny, A moan escaped my mouth and then she giggled and stepped away.

"I just wanted to hear this again." She smiled.

"I hate you, Maia." I hissed at her, I didnt care about anything right now.

"Youre the worst thing that ever happened to me!" She laughed at me saying this and came closer, whispered in my ear again.

"Lets talk about this, when you beg for me to take you back. Okay?" Then she pulled back and waved like these typical bitches, "Arrivederci!!"

I looked after her, but then sat down on the bench again, How the fuck could she do this to me? This girl shouldnt have an effect on me in any way.

She lied to me that she loved me again just because she thought i would give in in this little game.

That was when i realized that I had got a girlfriend. I almost cheated on her again. Jesus Christ this was close.

Should i tell Laura or no? And what about the note? Should i show her? What could this person mean with 'the last days?' will they take Laura away from me?!?

So we've got Simon and Maia now who could have written that note. Lets see what he or she meant with it (;

Plus, Yes i know, Raia Chapter, Yes i know, Maias a bitch in this story. No i dont hate her, I love her. Maias my idol. End of discussion. ❤️

And im so happy.. 99k readers!? how is this even possible? I cant believe it! this is ..URURHHFKDJANFJA LOVE YOU ALL!!!

No you dont have to comment fav line, because im sure there isnt one since its raia.

Yes im gonna try to update fast, maybe in a few hour, maybe tomorrow, lets see.

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MY SNAPCHAT: monismaia

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