chapter 8

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still ross' pov.

*after school*

I walked out of the school seeing Ryan. "Dude, how ya manage it always standing here already", i laughed. He shrugged, "I'm better than you. That's it". I rolled my eyes and suddenly someone touched my shoulder.

I turned around. "Babe..", She giggled. "I'd like to kiss you so badly.", i said sadly and at the answer she gave me, my eyes widened: "You can kiss me the whole time tonight, whenever and wherever" Maia smirked at me. I thought about what i could say now and smiled then nervous, "I'll think about this 'wherever'". She began to laugh, "you're so cute. I'll see you then", she hugged me. Kissed Ryan's cheek and then she left.

Ryan looked at me and he really had to hold back his laughter. "what?", i asked. "You not seriously wanted to see miss ugly today too?". I bit my lip, "noo?". And now Ryan laughed, "have fun by deciding with which girlfriend you wanna fcuk tonight". I got a bit mad.

"Ryan! You know exactly Maia is the only girl i would sleep with!". He shrugged again, "Well, theeeenn", he smiled stupidly, "See ya later, loverboy". We made this handshake and then he walked over to his car. "See ya.." I sighed and walked home.

on my way home i thought about this. Am i going to go to Maia. Or will i go to Laura? It was just a hard question because I actually cant cancel my date with Laura. I just asked her to be my girlfriend yesterday..but on the other side. I really wanna be with Maia. I really want to have an intensive and romantic night with my real, true girlfriend.

When i went to my room, i laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling, still thinking about this. Is it possible to do 2 relationships? Just for 2 months, Ross. Then you finally can break up with miss ugly.. I sighed, But after a while thinking about this, i knew what i wanted to do. So around 7 pm i took a shower, ate something, took a condom and went into my car. I sighed again and began to drive.

I got outta the car, 10 minutes later and walked up to the door. It was exactly 7:58pm now. Well, what should i say. Im always right in time.. I took a breath and knocked on the door. A few seconds later she opened the door, "Hey..", she smiled light and I bit my lip, "Hey.."


im finally back with one bad chapter lmao.

im srsly so sorry that i didnt write this Long time..i could not.. but i try my best :):)

PS; omg guys your comments are so fun to read haha ily'all <3


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