chapter 65

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"Where is she?" I said exhausted as I arrived at the hospital.

Rydel and Vanessa standing in front of me. I switched my look between them, waiting for one of them to answer me.

"You can't visit her now." Rydel said quietly.

"Why! I want to see her! I need to see her! I-"

Now Vanessa was cutting me off, "Ross.. she needs a rest.."

I looked at her before sitting down on one of these chairs, taking my head in my hands.

"Mom and Dad should be here soon." Vanessa said to Rydel.

Soon later i heard someone sitting down next to me and felt a hand rubbing my back.

"Shes going to be okay.." She whispered and I looked at her.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

She nodded, "she fell down the stairs."

I stood up again, "I need to go to her! Where is she!" I looed at Vanessa begging.

Vanessa sighed and pointed to one door on the end of this corridor, "but Ross, please don-"

I didnt listen to her. I ran there and ran into the room. I saw her laying there. Her head was hurt, her arm was bond.

I swallowed while looking at her and walked closer. "Laura.." I whispered and kneeled down infront of her.

This was all my fault. I should have been with her and catch her as she fell.

"Shit..why wasnt i there.." I whispered and laid my head onto the bed, feeling one to two tears rolling down my cheeks.

"ugh.." I heard a noise and looked up again, looked at her. Her eyes flattered and short later opened. Our eyes met, she looked so tired.

"Ross?" It felt like a stone fell from my heart as she said my name.

"Oh my god, yes. yes its me baby!" I answered and sat down on one chair and still looked at her.

"Youre here.." She whispered and smiled light but she was weak.

"Im sorry that I wasn't here to save you.." I took her hand, the hand of the arm which wasnt bond.

"It's alright, im fine." She said quietly and her eyes just light open.

I saw how tired she was. She needed sleep. "Sleep a bit baby. Im gonna be here when you wake up.." She nodded and closed her eyes again.

God i was happy that she was kinda okay. What would i have done when she wouldn't have remembered me?

After a while her parents came in and looked with so much concern in their eyes at her. They wanted to stay the night as well, but they knew Laura would want me to stay, so they let me.

I was grateful for that.

"Where were you actually?" Rydel asked confused and quietly next to me.

My gaze kept being on Laura as i felt my body tensioning. "Nowhere."

I couldnt tell her, i didnt want her to get pulled in this as well. Rydel didnt deserve this.


"Fine. I was at Calum's." Then she nodded and looked at Laura.

"As she woke up earlier, she asked for you."

That made me feel even worse.

"How long does she have to stay here?" I changed the topic.

"1 week, maybe 2." Vanessa said, looking at me and then at the clock.

"Rydel we gotta go." She nodded and stood up, walked to the door and then they left.

"Ross?" Laura whispered and opened her eyes slightly.

I sat up, shocked. "Yes?" I whispered back and went closer to her.

"Im cold." She said and that was when i slowly climbed next to her on the bed, laying the blanket over us.

Laura scooted closer to me and laid her head into my neck and left a kiss on it, "thank you."

I smiled a bit and took her hand, "goodnight." Soon later I already felt her regular breaths on my skin and knew she felt asleep again.

I felt my eyes going heavy as well with time. I was just happy to be around her right now. I mean with me she wouldn't even be here, but she wanted me to stay and she could remember me, wasnt that acceptable? I smiled a bit and pulled her a bit closer.

lauras still alive and everythings good yay :) ❤️ maybe this chapter was a bit weird but I was tired im sorry djfnncns


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