chapter 56

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I dont know when i fell asleep, but i did. And this dream i had, was scaring the hell out of me. My heart was beating faster and my hands were sweating. I looked next to me, Lara still was sleeping.

I took a breath and thought about what i just dreamed.

"Oh, Ross." She said while climbing onto my lap. She began trailing her fingers down my chest.

"Since when do we act like these.. boring couples?" She slightly kissed my lips, teasingly.

Then she went to my neck and kissed it up to my ear, "We are better than this."

Suddenly it changed to another scene.

She sat onto my lap after i wanted to tell her that i have got Laura as my girlfriend.

"Ross, remember what i can do to you." She said and i groaned because she began moving her waist. "I know your weaknesses." She whispered in my ear.

This word 'weaknesses' repeated in my dream and then there was another scene. But this didnt happened yet. It was past, presence and last but not least..future.

(A/N im already now sorry. its gonna be longer than I thought.)

"LET HER FREE!" I screamed at her. I saw Laura laying on the ground. She was tied, just like me. She passed out. She was looking so horrible.

"WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO YOU, MAIA!" I didn't understand this. I didn't understand any of this.

"I told you i know your weaknesses, Rossy. Laura is your biggest one, i think you already figured that out." She smirked at me.

We were in her cellar. Her parents? not here. Someone who could hear us? No. Someone who could actually save us? No chance.

"What do you want, Maia?" I asked. I was done, i didnt see Laura in 2 weeks, I was looking for her everywhere. I turned this whole city upside down.

"Not much actually, Ross." She came closer to me and kneeled down infront of me and whispered in my ear something i would have never thought of hearing it from her.

"Your death." My eyes shot wide open at this little sentence. My heart skipping a beat, almost having a heartattack.

Maia looked at me, smirking and i looked at her, "No! Maia please! What have i done?! Why are you doing this?" I wasnt afraid to die. I was afraid Laura would break. Or Maia wouldnt stop hurting her. So much could happen when im dead.

Death is peaceful... easy. Life is harder.

"I have my reasons, Ross. So?" She looked at me and i looked at Laura.

"Will you promise me, like seriously promise me, that you will let her free? She doesn't deserve this." I said and she nodded.

"No, Promise me." I reached out my pinky finger to her and we made this pinky promise. "Promised."

"Okay, good..But i wanna say goodbye to her" I whispered. My throat was dry.

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