chapter 38

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Ross POV.

My body hurt, but her eyes on me made the pain less. We stayed like that for what felt like 2 minutes until I shook my head, "You know, I just wasnt prepared. If I was, I would have beaten him up!"

Laura chuckled light, "Ross..Why did you come.." She sounded more sad, but she smiled weak.

"I need to talk with you.."

We both knew we had to. She knew it as good as i had known it.

Laura nodded slowly, "i do, too.."

I looked down a while, to my hands. I thought about how to begin. I glanced over at her, she did the same. We both were playing with our fingers, nervously.

I sighed and looked up again, "it happened much between us, huh?"

I tried to make the tension less, so i laughed slightly.

She nodded her head, "yes..mostly bad things though."

I bit my lip and turned towards her, "I know i did mistakes, lots of mistakes! I know I'm stupid, i really do. I guess.. After all what has happened, everyone knows I'm an idiot..." I began and took her hands, her soft hands, into mine.

"But i want to be your idiot."

She looked into my eyes and i felt myself getting lost again, so i looked to our hands, waiting for her response.

After a while, i guess she was thinking, she spoke up, "Ross, know i.." Laura took a short breath.

"You know i love you..Simon knows I love you, my sister does. Everyone does."

I knew this wasnt going to end good, "but what is the problem then?" I asked, quietly.

She sighed and took her hands away, "what if it wont change? What if its a dare again?"

I widened my eyes, "how can you even think that! Never ever I'd do the same mistake again. No, Laura. Im just incredibly in love with you. And I want you to be mine.."

"But Simon..he will hurt you!"

I smiled a bit, but only short, "he cant. Not with the power my love for you gives me."

Laura closed her eyes, swallowing.

"Laura, it, be mine. Be my girlfriend.." I pulled her a bit closer and as she opened her eyes, she immediately kissed my lips.

It was a different one, a ..romantic one. a soft, warm and slowly one..and she smiled. Yes she did, she smiled because she was kissing me.

And then she nodded, still trying to kiss. She nodded and then mumbled something onto my lips.

"And you're mine."

Wow okay, so thats it. You all waited 30+ chapters for this to happen. What do you thnk about it? Maybe it isnt like you imagined it, but i always try to do it in a good way.

Comment fav line :)

For all who are wondering why I needed Ideas, i am trying to keep this story for a long time, so there will be a time, im using some of the ideas for sure!<3 you all are incredible!!!

Btw, guess whos still addicted for anastasia? It was like a wave of emotions. I fell in love all over again. Gosh this movie. :) this romance, this boy, this story line. Perfect perfect perfect!

Pps, in my last chapter, when i said laura was home alone, and thwn suddenly her dad was there.. Well, sorry.

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