chapter 44

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I got ready and now it was almost 7pm. I checked myself in the mirror a last time before taking my keys and going over to Laura.

I rang at the door and she opened it, smiling "Hey there." she said what caused me to smile too.

"You know when this movie is boring, I'm gonna kill you?" I answered, laughing.

"Mh, lets see." Laura giggled.

together we walked to the cinema and met court there. I loved hanging out with them so much, they were just so fun.

but I noticed how i gazed at laura, often. She noticed too, but she did the same. There was some tension between us today. Other tension than in the past two months.

After the movie ended, we walked out. "And rossy? was this movie so bad?" Courtney asked, giggling.

I shook my head, "not really, but there are better movies than this one!" I smiled.

Court got a message then, "oh. i gotta go, guys. its fine when you walk home alone?" She smiled excusing and i looked at laura, we both nodded.

"Okay, thanks." Then she ran away.

I turned to Laura. "soo, ross.." Laura started walking and i did too.

please tell me you give me another chance was the only thought in my head.

"how are you?" She asked instead.

I sighed, "Good"

She knew i wasnt. not only the thing with her was bothering me. Also my dad, or my mom. I missed her like hell. It was hard in this house without her.

"Now the truth please.." she said, sadly.

"you know.. my dad. once we had such a good relationship to each other.. its like i dont know him anymore.. he changed so much.."

Laura looked at me, "you've changed as well, Ross.."

I looked to the ground, still walking. "I know i did, but i get punished for stupid things everyday. I hate him.. My body is like marked of his activities forever.."

I felt how she was looking closer at me. The tension built itself up again.

"why don't you go to the ..child protective services?" Laura asked careful.

I chuckled a bit, "Because I need my him. Hes my dad.."

"But he hurts you.." We both got sad but i smiled weak.

"doesn't matter." Thats when i looked up and we stayed quiet the whole time until we arrived at hers.

"Goodnight." I said quietly.

"do want to come in?" Suprised i looked at her.

She wanted me to come along and i nodded maybe a bit too fast. "If you want me to.."

Laura stepped away and let me go in first. Then she closed the door.

"Hello Mrs. and Mr. Marano!" I shouted trough the house but got no answer.

She giggled behind me and i turned around to her, confused. "I'm home alone. Mom and Dad are at some birthday from one if their friends and well, Vanessa sleeps over at one of hers."

"oh.. okay." I swallowed. We were home alone. Maybe she wanted to sleep with me tonight. My heart began beating faster and i dressed my shoes off.

"Are you hungry? or thirsty?" Laura asked and went to the kitchen but i shook my head.

Why was i so nervous ? Nothing was going to happen.

god this chapter sucks! i know and im sorry for that. but not many hours left and I'll publish the first chapter of "Ross." im so excited akfkgjsna 😌❤️

comment fav line!(I honestly dont think there is one.
i love you alllll ❤️❤️ also be freaking happy that yaykimmyr5 got her new phone and finally will update again!!! skfkfisna

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