chapter 31

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Laura was mad, totally mad. Of me, of Simon, of everything and everyone.

She looked at me and I looked at her, we both didn't care that it was raining that much.

"What did you just say!" She said.

"I could never let you go!" I answered. I just screamed because I wanted her to believe me.

"I had to fake our relationship bu-" I stated but she cut me off.

"I already know that!" The rain soaked her clothes which caused them to stick tightly on her body.

"I wasn't faking the feelings."

Laura groaned and ran to me and began to push me one time, "You. Little. Asshole!"

It didn't hurt me bodily, because she wasn't strong or anything. It hurt physically.

She began crying while pushing me once again, "I hate you, Ross. I hate you so much! I can't belie-"

That was when i made her shut up with my lips. I kissed her, but I knew she didnt want that.

She pushed me away and slapped me, "HOW COULD YOU DARE!" Laura started tearing up even more.

I was going to make her stop. She slightly punched me with the strength she had left but I pulled her to me again and layed my lips on hers again.

Laura wanted to push me away again but I started kissing her more.

She just like me knew she had not have the strength to pull away. I won this.

I pulled her tiny body closer and made her get lost in my kiss.

Laura's brain told her to ran away, but her lips desired this. Her heart took the upper hand and so she didn't manage it to do it.

I felt her getting weak at my lips, so I hold her. I hold her close.

I walked backwards with her, then turned us around and pushed her softly against the wall of the house the party was in.

Laura let me do this, she forgot the fight. She kissed so roughly, so intensive.

And I forgot what I was actually doing as she jumped a bit and wrapped her legs around my waist.

I pressed her more against the wall, wanting to feel her close. How I was desiring this. How much I was waiting for this to happen. But not now, not here.

I came back to reality and let her down slowly, my lips were exploding. They literally burned and so were hers as she opened her eyes.

I looked in them and then whispered, "think about what you want, because you know what I want."

Then I turned around and left. I left her alone in this situation because firstly, Simon was coming each second. And secondly, I needed to cool off, to get a clear mind.

Yo here we are. I updated 'the' chapter. I hope you liked it.<3

Happy birthday Laura Marano!!!!!

Comment fave line.

I actually wrote that already, but somehow it didn't update together with the text. I don't know what's going on.

what do you think will happen next? LET ME HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS.

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