chapter 73

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I kissed slowly, but strong. I just wanted to feel that she was there. After everything me and Laura went trough, i didnt know if i could let her go that easily.

When she said that she couldn't break up with me, much weight fell from my shoulders, i just wanted to sigh in relief forever.

the kiss we had was sad, but still somehow beautiful.

I tried to concentrate on kissing but there was still the thing with Maya i had to tell her so i pulled away hesitating, having my eyes closed I opened them slowly and looked at her.

"Whats wrong?" Laura asked quietly as she saw my look.

It hurt me already thinking about it, i got to admit, but i couldnt lie to her, I just couldn't. She deserved the truth.

I took her hands and led her to the bed, slowly sat down with her, "there is something i have to tell you, and i assume you wont like it." I began, rubbing my thumb over her hand.

"Youre scaring me.." She said, looking to my hand and then up to my eyes.

i sighed, "you know, the day where all this shit happened with Aidan, when you left me. Well. I, um, so Maya came to visit me and um.." Fuck. stuttering wasn't good in this situation.

Laura looked at me and slowly pulled her hands away, she looked kinda shocked and still sad, "you had sex."

My eyes widened and not even a second later i shouted a no. "God no laura no. No we didnt have sex, I promise!"

Then Laura swallowed, "so what happened between the two of you." She sounded scared. Of course she did. I have done shit to her too often.

I often was the cause she felt bad or useless. I was a terrible person.

I looked to my hands short and then i looked up, "I..kissed her.." I almost whispered it, hoping maybe she wouldnt hear it.

"You kissed her!? what? why? how?!" Lauras words were kinda laced with anger. I could understand her.

"I,I dont know! we, we talked and i got lost in the moment and it just happened! im sorry laura, im so so sorry!" I reached for her hands but she pulled them away.

"dont touch me." She said, still in shock, she looked up and down to me and then to my eyes, "you cheated on me, Ross. again." Her eyes started filling with tears.

Fuck. No i wouldnt let her break up with me. No.

"I, I know ! I am stupid and a shithead and i dont deserve you, but please, Laura i beg you, please don't leave me. I need you. Without you, i dont know what i would do. Youre my hold! I love you, Laura." I really meant the things i said and i hoped she believes me.

Laura stayed quiet for a while before taking a deep breath and then looking at me again, "I know that you love me. I can feel it with everything you do. I know i can trust you in this. I believe you that you love me because otherwise my touches on you wouldn't have that big affects and you wouldnt fight for me."

I swallowed, "You mean more than anything to me. After the death of my mom, you are the most important person in my life with rydel together. I, I just .." I looked down because all the memories of my mother flashed in my mind and the injuries my dad caused began hurting a bit, "i need you.." I whispered.

I knew Laura watched me, i felt her gaze on me. Its not like i was about to cry or something, it was just hard thinking about my dead mother.

A few seconds later, i felt Lauras hand laying on mine. She let it linger there short before taking my hand in hers, what caused me to look up.

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