chapter 46

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Ross Pov.

Her cold hands on my skin made it rise. I didnt want her to have such a big effect on me, but she simply had.

I looked down, letting her look at my back. I bit my lip, "There are also marks of," I didnt want to say it because i was afraid i could make her mad, so I hesitated, "girls."

No i didnt sleep with them, but some girls just got turned on so much that they grabbed my hair, making me grow,and then digged their hands into my back.

I would say ive became good at kissing, it was different then with Maia, and even more different than with Laura.

Talking about Maia, she broke up with Ryan again. Such a slut. I cant believe i once loved her. I cheated on her with the one girl i really loved and who actually loved me, but i didnt even notice it.

"Does that hurt?" where the words which made me come back to reality.

I had to face at her, whether she looked mad or neutral. "No." I said while turning around.
Her eyes went to my chest, the part where i had the most scratches.

I dont even know how my dad managed it to hurt me so much, he just did. Dont ask how or what he's done.

Laura looked so innocent with her puppy brown eyes and her light wavy hair, I looked at her while he starred at my chest.

I know she also had a look at my abs, she just scanned my torso. Suddenly her cold fingers touched a scratch and she drove it along.

It sent a shudder down my spine. Did she actually know what she was doing? I clenched my jaw and swallowed light, but she continued.

I was getting horny, gosh this was turning me on so much. I had to think about having sex with her, her touching my cock, her kissing ke and digging her nails into my skin. She didnt even know what happened as it happened.

I dont know if she noticed my boner, but she looked up in my eyes, her mouth opened a bit as if she wanted to say something.

I couldn't hold it anymore. I pushed her onto the bed, crawled on top of her and pressed my lips on hers. Laura couldn't react, she had no chance against me.

She started to move her mouth with mine, she was unsure, but she wanted it as much as i did.

Jesus Christ, this felt so good. I licked over her lips, asking for access and she granted it to me. I let my wet tongue slide inside her mouth. 

She wrapped her legs around my torso, pulling me closer to her. We both were craving for this moment, here it was.

I fought with her tongue, challenged with her like little kids.

this was going to be good.

if youve got luck, ill update tomorrow the chapter, almost everyone was waiting for ;) 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉stay tuned


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