chapter 2

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lauras pov.

"Laura!" My Sister shouted at me with a smile, "Yes, Vanessa?" I came out of my room. "I have a big surprise!" I got confused, "you know I don't like surprises." Vanessa smiled bigger, "you will love this one." I sighed, "what for a surprise is it?", "you. won. a. MAKE OVER!" my eyes widened: "a make over?!" she came to me and gave me a paper and i read:

"Ms Laura Marano, we're glad to tell you that you won a special and glamourous make over from our make up specialist Kathleen Stewart. It includes a complete new outfit, a new haircut and of course make up tips. But the best thing is, for you, it is free!", Then I looked up , "How could I win this, if I didn't participate?"

Vanessa smirked at me, "because you have the best sister in the world! And trust me, Laura. After this. Everyone will falling for ya. You'll see. I saw pictures and this Kathleen is good. Very good."

I looked at the paper again, "but this will be in 2 months. This is so late!" Vanessa rolled with her eyes, "better in 2 months then never." She began, "Oh thanks, Vanessa. You're the sweetest person eveeer" Vanessa tried to say this with my voice, I giggled, "thank you, Vanessa."

I then hugged my Sister and gave her a kiss on the cheek. she slightly laughed. "You're welcome".

Monday morning;

I made me ready for school. It took at least 10 minutes because I don't use make up. I tied my hair into a ponytail and dressed me in uncolored clothes. Colorful clothes don't look good on me, that's why I don't wear them. "Okay, Laura. You'll make that." I smiled faked to myself while I looked in the mirror.

I don't think I'm pretty at all. But I don't have to be. Who doesn't like for who I am, doesn't deserve me. But I'm really excited for this make over. I saw shows like "Plain Jane". It sounds interesting. let's see if there will be a difference from my unpopularity now to my unpopularity then..

I took my schoolbag and went downstairs in the kitchen where my Mom sat and ate. "Morning, Mom", I said and gave her a short kiss. Then I sat next to her, "Morning, Honey.", she replied. I smiled, "Where's Vanessa?". Actually she is always here at the morning. "She went to school earlier because of Riker". "Ah", I said in thoughts.

Riker is part of the Lynch Family. And the Lynch Siblings are the most famous people on my school. Vanessa has luck. She's beautiful. She's stunning and she's famous. Not as famous as Riker and the others, but still. As Girlfriend of one of the most coolest people, you're automatically cool too.

"Something wrong?", my mother stopped me at thinking about the Lynch's, I shaked my head, "no, everything's okay", I smiled light. Then my handy rang, "I have to go!", I stood up and gave her again a Kiss on the cheek, "Bye mom. See you after school". Then I waved her short and went outside the house.

So umm.. in the next chapter will be raura. Because yeah. Ross has to begin the Dare, ya know? And yeah
Do you like this chapter? It's boring, iiikk

Qotd: dresses or skirts?
Aotd: vokuhila dresses *-*

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