chapter 76

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"Ross, come on." Laura sighed, "We have to check out in 30 minutes."

"Yeah yeah 5 more minutes." I said sleepy. I didnt know why but I didn't wanna stand up today. I was so lazy.

"No not 5 more minutes. Youre gonna stand up now." She giggled and took my arms, pulled me up.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes before giving her a death stare, "I was about to stand up by myself, thank you miss." I said sarcastically.

Laura just rolled her eyes, "anytime, darling."

"Cant we just stay here for another week? i dont wanna go home." I said sadly.

Laura smiled at me and gave me a kiss, "I know honey, but i wasnt home since 2 weeks, i need to. Im sorry." She said and then she took our bags and gave me mine, strugged her shoulders while smiling weak.

I knew what it meant to go home and Laura knew it as well.

Sometimes i just wished that he was dead, but no, i couldnt think like this. He was my dad.

After checking out, i drove her home. The drive was pretty quiet, none of us said one word. When i stopped the car in front of her house, i looked at the wheel.

"Ross, if something's gonna happen, just know you can come to me. okay?"

Laura laid her hand on my shoulder. I looked down at my hands and then at her, "I will survive."

She nodded slowly, smiled lightly and kissed my cheek, "see you later." Then she got out of the car.

I looked after her when she walked up to her house, the house where she was save from everything and everyone, the house where she was loved, where she was wanted.

Laura looked back to me one last time before entering the house and closing the door.

I sighed, started the car again and drove off.


"Oh, hey..son." My dad said, he stood in the kitchen and had a bottle in his hand. Vodka.

I walked to him, "Youve had enough of this!" I took the bottle away from him.

He started laughing sarcastically, "Oh Ross. You do so many mistakes." He walked over to the couch and sat down.

I frowned and walked after him, but i didnt sit down, "What the fuck do you mean?"

"I mean everything. Literally everything you do is a mistake. Dating this girl for example. What was her name? Laura?"

My body tensed immediately, "Why. What do you mean?!"

He shrugged, "There is something you should know about her, and her family."

My dad looked at me, and for the first time in months, he wasnt drunk. He just seemed to break my heart in a few seconds.

I swallowed and looked at him, "And what should that be? But no matter what it is, I wont believe you."

"Sit down, Ross. Trust me, in this situation its gonna be the best for you."

He sat there like Nathan and Lucas Scott's Dad from One Tree Hill. So cruel and smirking.

This actually isn't surprising me, Dan Scott was literally his Idol. He always liked this character because this character got whatever he wanted.

"I dont wanna sit down." I answered, "Just spit it out. I dont even wanna talk to you."

My dad sighed and stood up, walked to the little closet which was standing in our living room, i didnt see what he did there but he gave me some paper a few seconds later.

"Here, read." With that he sat down again and i took a look at this letter.

im writing this lines because i want to tell you a few little things. Firstly and most importantly, Our Baby is doing fine. She survived the birth. Yes, it is a she, We are having our second girl!

At this line i frowned. I thought this letter was about Rydel when i read it was a 'she' but as much as i know, i dont have two sisters?

I accepted your decision now. Its okay that you wanna do this. Its the best for our family. Just know that we are waiting for you. Laura cant wait to 'see you'. Yeah, i named her Laura like you wished. When i saw her little face, i just thought this name fitted her really well. Oh baby, when you could see how gorgeous she is. She's only two hours old, but gosh. She is pretty like a sunny day on the beach. Im so sad that you couldn't be here when i was giving birth to her, but i know you were there with heart. I love you, See you in two months.       

When i finished reading this, my heart was slowly breaking into a million of pieces, i didnt believe any of this, but better to say, i didnt want to believe it.

"Dad, what should this shit mean?!" I threw the letter back at him. I was getting mad.

"Oh come on. Youre not that fucking stupid. You should understand what i wanted to tell you."

I didnt reply, i just looked at him, still didnt want to believe him one single word.

"Ross. Im sorry to break your heart like this, but Laura..she is your sister."

hey guys. I thought of maybe doing a little extra 'chapter' where i tell you guys a bit how my life is going on and where YOU also tell me how youve all been. whatcha say to this?

wow, okay so heres my update after 34 years. its not good because fuck this shit i wrote this because i told myself I HAVE TO. I miss writing and i have to fight against this terrible writers block. So here it is.

The biggest plot twist in history of plot twists. yep you are allowed to hate me now ahahahhahaha

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