chapter 79

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Ross' pov

Fuck. What did i do? How stupid can one be? I cant find any explanation for what happened a few hours ago.

I was at some cafe, sitting there lonely and drinking my green tea. It was weird to be honest. I wasnt alone for a long time.

On the opposite of me sat this girl. I felt her gaze on me the whole time until i finally dared to look at her too. That was when she nodded over to me, symbolizing me to walk to her.

I dont know why i did but i did. I took my things and sat down next to her. She smelled good, but in my opinion a little bit too good. Laura always knew how to not overact with the perfume.

We started talking. We talked about a few things, no deep things but a little bit small talk. She didnt even make me feel better, to be honest.

At some point, i asked her to go to mines. Why i did that? I have no fucking clue.

I looked after Laura and suddenly everything hit me. It hit me hard, kind of like a truck. I lost her. i lost her again.

My frist met the wall and it fucking hurt but at the same time it felt good because the pain was harder than the pain in my heart.

I knew Laura wouldn't talk to me now, but i had no idea what to do. We weren't related, a freaking big stone fell of my shoulder. alone the thought of never holding her again was having me dying a little bit.

I was relieved and fucked up at the same time. What does one do when hes in such a situation? exactly, get drunk. Getting drunk is so much easier, you know?

For a short time, you forget your motherfucking problems and you can be happy. But also, i didnt want to get drunk in a pub because bitches are unpredictable. So i decided to steal some whiskey bottles of my dad.

Lauras Pov - a few hours later

"He cheated on me!" I said heartbroken.

"Well, technically he didnt, Laura. You aren't together anymore." My sister responded and i gave her a death stare.

"I mean it's not okay what he did, but Honey. Im sure this didnt mean anything to him. He loves you. I can see it in his eyes each time hes looking at you when you dont notice it. He would never do this to hurt you."

"Vanessa. He made out with this slut. One week after we kind of broke up! When he couldn't even wait more than a fucking week to kiss the next good girl in his way. How can i be sure I even mean this much to him?!"

I couldn't believe my sister protected Ross. She should be on my side! Just because Ross is the brother of her boyfriend, doesnt mean Ross is the cute innocent boy who never does anything wrong! Im tired of this.

Vanessa sighed and then laid a hand on my shoulder. Suddenly the atmosphere changed. Instead of mad, i got sad. I looked down to my legs and feet and played with the blanket.

"Laura, honey. Ross and every human in general wasnt born to be perfect. Humans were born to make mistakes." She made me look at her, "We learn from them. Each mistake you make reminds you the next time that you shouldn't do it again."

"But cheating isnt a mistake. Cheating is a choice. He chose to kiss her. Who knows what would have happened if i didn't interrupt them?"

"Laura, why do you still use the word cheat in your sentences. I can tell you why. Because thats what you feel. You feel like youve never broken up and this sister brother thing was just like a little pause."

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