chapter 17

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ross pov.

I stepped down the stairs of our school. I still couldnt believe it. It was 2 days ago, I was done. I was broken.

I needed Maia.

I got interrupted from my thoughts as i walked into someone. I looked up to see her, the one i wanted to see least

"L-Laura? Is it you?" I stuttered, trying not to show my feelings.

The only thing which made me recognize her, was her face. Because even when her eyes were rouged, her eyebrows plucked. She stayed Laura.

"No, I'm the one who doesnt wanna talk to you. So please go a step away that we can go there." She said, cold.

I was surprised, where was the sweet Laura? I couldn't move and just looked at her.

"if possible today, please." She said, like a bitch. She also did this weird hand move.

I eyed her. Meanwhile doubting, if it was her standing in front of me. "Who are you?" My voice sounded weak, and so was I.

Laura groaned and walked past me with this girl called Lisa. My eyes looked after her, she looked so incredible different.

How was it possible to change from a cute, nice girl to a bitch over the weekend. However it happened, i dont like it at all.

She stepped the last stair up and disappeared around the corner. That was, when I turned away.


The school day was incredible exhausting. Instead of going to the other popular pupils, i took a seat on a bench far away from them. It was just that there were persons i didnt wanna see this days.

Laura? Well, I met her in the school hall, sometimes. Other times on the schoolyard. She made new friends. Good-looking ones, just like herself.

I got to admit she was kinda hot, it attracted me. I felt something for her already as she were the geek, but now, where Laura looked like the dream of every boy, I was thinking about lots of moments of us as "couple".


We were in the park, it was sort of a date, but somehow not. We just sat there. She was reading, i was eating. But at some time I stood up and walked up to strangers and asked them random things.

Laura got confused and looked at me. She began smiling after a short while, and stood up to stop me. Trying to pull me away, she began laughing even more.

"Ross!" Laura laughed hard, "Can you stop? People are staring at us."

I didnt care, i kept going to strangers and asked them how they day was. I did that because i knew, Laura would laugh. I loved her laugh.

She came walked up to me, a big smile covered her face. "You are so stupid! that was so awkward!" Laura tried not to laugh which made me laugh either.

Flashback end;

It wasn't the only funny thing we did, trough the time. There were many things which were totally unforgettable.

I had those moments with Maia at the beginning of our relationship. But after a while, they just stopped. We didnt have time for such childish things. We got mature.

As it rang i came back to reality. I stood up and walked into school, slowly. Laura in front of me.

Memories are always safe.


and here a bad chapter. Im so sorry that there wasn't any update, but school is killing me right now. I'm writing tests everyday and so I gotta learn pretty much.

comment fave line :)

what do you think happened with maia? ;9

Im hoping I get the time to write more some when again. :)


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twitter: rudysmaia

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