chapter 29

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Laura's POV.

Simon looked at me while I began smiling big. "Oh my goodness!" I screamed and hugged him.

It was my first party ever and I got chosen as Queen. This day couldn't get any better.

"Come on stage, guys!" Natalie said, clapping her hands.

Simon and I walked up together and smiled at all the others, I looked around in the crowd.

Searching something I didn't know what it was until I had found it, Ross.

He didn't look happy at all, he looked sad. I looked at him for a split second, before I shook my head a bit and faced Natalie.

As he tried to talk to me one half a hour ago, it was too much for me. After all this other boys had done to me, my trust was hard to get back, and he has lost it.

Do you know this pain in your heart after someone screamed at you for, for example, being a bad friend? Or when someone said something about you what hurt much. Or just simply when you fight with someone you love like so much?
Everytime I have seen Ross, I felt this pain. When I was talking to him, it just got more intensive.

Natalie took the King's crown and was about to put it on Simons head, when another girl came run to Nat.

This girl whispered something in her eye and handed her a piece of paper.

I got confused as Nat took the micro and began to speak, "Sorry Guys, how it looks is there one not counted vote and a problem. If you would excuse me for a second." With that she left us again, standing there dumb.

"Simon, I'm afraid.." I whispered to him. He just smiled at took my hand.

"No need to, we are going to be King and Queen. And thats for sure."

A little smirk was plastering his face, I was questioning what the background story for this could have been.

His grip tightened as he noticed how Ross was looking at me. But for my wonder, I was looking back. Even though it hurt.

"Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, there was a miscount." Nat came back to the mic and took my attention as I turned back to her, confused.

"How?" I asked. Oh gosh I hoped it wasnt what I thought.

But well, "Simon isn't the rightful king. He betrayed." Nat said, obviously mad.

I looked at Simon, "you did what!?" He had widen eyes, didn't know what to say.

"Gosh I cant believe you!" I was screaming. He shouldn't have done this.

"Laura, please let me explain!" He said, but Natalie mentioned him to leave the stage.

"Later, firstly you go down and let the real king come up, Ross Lynch."

My eyes widened and I watched Ross being as shocked as I was.

Natalie smiled again, at Ross, "come up."

Oh shit, there we go.

I know it was time to do a little raura moment, so just wait til the next chapter. (:

So here's a question, DID YOU KNOW IT , WERE YOU THINKING IT OR DID YOU BUY MY SECRET (; I'm interested in it.

To everyone who knew it *slow claps* bravo. *smirks*

I just updated that fast because I LOVED ALL THE COMMENTS AND VOTES!! it makes me happy to see that you guys like my story!<3

Comment fav line, didn't do that in a while, huh?

Love you *: stay awesome.

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