chapter 71

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Lauras Pov.

I needed fresh air. It was too much. Everything was too much.

I almost run out of this big house and immediately took a deep breath outside.

Ross just killed someone. Was the only thought in my head. Yes i knew he did it for Courtney and that boy was dangerous, but he pulled the gun and shot him.

He was there with Courtney and all these other people, preparing for things like that. Why the fuck couldnt he tell me? Of what was he afraid?

I wasnt fine with the fact that he could have died today. He was being too fucking risky. I couldn't lose him. I need him to freaking live.

I haven't broken up with him, i just needed a bit time. Realizing what happened. Should i tell someone?

"Laura!" I heard a voice a few meters behind of me. A voice of a girl. I sighed and closed my eyes short before turning around.

"Courtney." I said and looked at her as she came walked up to me.

"Im so sorry you had to be a part of Aidans cruel plans. He was an insane man, you know?"

"I figured." I said and laughed light, crossing my arms, rubbing my shoulders since i was freezing a bit.

"Courtney, I gotta ask you something." I said, being unsure like hell.

"Everything." She answered, totally understanding me.

"Why did you have to choose Ross for protecting you?"

I was feeling uncomfortable asking this, but i just needed that question to be answered.

Courtney sighed and looked down short, "He is my best friend..he is strong and he is so freaking overprotective, i knew he was the right man for this job. Along with Jace, Dylan and Cole."

"And thats the thing. He is too overprotective. Courtney, would have Aidan pointed the gun at you, Ross would have jumped in front of you!"

I began shaking, already the thought of losing him drove me crazy. Ross is too lovely and soft to do something like this. This wasnt him.

"He made a promise to die for everyone of us. Everyone did that promise. Laura you have no idea what this-" She pointed at the house where i almost got shot at and looked back at me, "even is. We became family. Ross got a bloodbrother an-"

that was the point i cut her, "bloodbrother? what the hell? isnt that when 2 persons cut their hands and then shake each others? DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THIS IS?!"

After i finished that sentence I already got myself again. I mumbled a sorry and Courtney thought what to answer.

"Blood is thicker than water." She whispered.

"Do you even know what that means? This statement stands for implying that family relationships are always more important than friends. You are friends. His siblings, his dad and i(me) are his family!"

I saw Courtneys body tensioning and her jaw clenching light. "Laura, go. I was there for Ross when he cried everyday because YOU hated him. I was there when his father started hurting him. Where were you? Huh?"

Ross Pov.

"no.." I whispered to myself as I looked from my window down to Court and Laura.

I didnt hear them but you clearly saw they werent just talking. "Shit.."

"Whats wrong, boy with the angel hair."

Shocked i turned around to find Maya smiling at me as she came in my room.

"Nothing, just feeling a bit ..weird." I said and leaned back on the bed and looked to my hands.

"You should feel fantastic. You killed this boy, you saved everyone of us." With that she sat down next to me.

I sighed light, "I know, but.. doesnt matter."

"Youre so mysterious, blondie." With her saying this i had to laugh slight

but then I leaned up to the window again but now i didnt see Laura anymore. Neither did i see Courtney. Laura probably drove off and Court went inside again.

"Im sad Laura didnt stay longer, I wanted to meet her." Maya pounted.

"Im sad too she didnt stay longer.." I shrugged.

"You fought, didnt you?" Maya asked soft and i just nodded slowly.

"Whatever she said, im sure its gonna be fine again."

I hesitated short before continuing. "She-"

"You dont have to tell me. I totally respect your privacy."

Maya was so warm hearted, it was unreal. She had such a pure soul and i felt like hurting everyone who hurt her. 

"She told me she needs time to sort things out.." I said anyways. I trusted Maya. I really trusted her and i was sure she felt the same way.

"Give her that time. When a girl tells you she needs time, and you don't respect that, you do a big mistake. Girls are complicated."

I laughed sadly, "says a girl." I smiled and began looking to my hands again.

"Thats why i know that. I know how girls tick." She giggled.

I nodded, "thank you Maya." I looked up and looked at her.

I eyed her. Shes changed since the first time i saw her. She looked happier. Her eyes had this sparkle in it. It was so cute.

"When i first met you, you seemed so fragile. Now you look like a strong young woman. Im proud of you."

She blushed lightly and looked down. I smiled and i made her raise her chin with my finger.

I looked in her eyes and she did the same. She smiled short but then, and i dont even know why but then, i kissed her.

It was a kiss without feelings. She kissed back for like 2 seconds before softly pushing me away. That also was when I realized what i have done.

My eyes widened and i started laughing in disbelief, "hooh shit." I said while standing up and having my hands infront of my face. "Fuck."

Maya laughed a bit, "Hey Ross. Its fine. We are friends, nothing more nothing less." She said and pulled me down again.

"Fuck." I whispered as i took my hands away, "I swear. I, I didnt - Im sorry I-"

She slapped me playfully, "Its okay, Ross. Nothing happened. We are friends, okay?"

"Yes." I said, I couldn't believe ive done this. "i should probably go." I said laughing a bit and stood up, took my bag and walked to the door.

Maya looked after me, "Goodbye."

yay new update woop woop wopppoop. I hope you liked it? no you didnt i know :3

be prepared for so many ahs quotes being in the next chapters, they are just so good and fitting for the scenes i have in my head.

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