chapter 58

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Ross Pov.

She seemed so sad because of what i told her. That wasn't what i wanted to reach. I knew this was hard for her. It also was for me, so i could totally understand her.

"Hey.." I whispered and looked at her while leaning my forehead against hers.

"I love you." I repeated myself. I just wanted to assure her.

"I know.." Laura whispered back, "I know.."

I knew she loved me back, she didnt have to say it. I didnt need that. She did, she needed to hear that i loved her. It wasnt like she didnt trust me or something, but she still needed those three little words.

It was dark in my room, due to my dark blinds on my windows. I barely could see her, but for my luck i knew where her lips were.

I slowly laid my lips on hers, just letting them linger on hers for a while. She then moved hers 1 time and i did the same after a short moment.

i loved the way she made me feel. everything what she did had an effect on me. when she smiled, i had to smile too, just because her smile was the most beautiful thing in this world. When she was sad, i wanted to make her happy again. Luckily most of the time I managed that.

I felt her hand on my cheek as Laura started kissing me a bit more. Slowly and careful i pulled her onto my lap.

I can remember how i once said if we would get together, this relationship would be hard and aggressive. But it was the other way around. It was soft and lovely.

I really tried not to show her my aggressive side my dad taught me, but sometimes, i totally forgot who i was.

This kiss heated up faster than i thought it would. The way she moved her waist lightly on my lap, and the way we fought with our tongues, was beyond everything I expected.

I exposed every part of her mouth with my tongue before I moved to her neck to leave my kisses there. I had to smile at the image of her neck.

Hickeys over hickeys. And the best thing was, they were all made by me.

She often complained about this. She wanted to cover them up, but it wasnt working that well, so you still saw them and she was embarrassed, but gosh i knew she loved them.

Hickeys arent disgusting. Hickeys are like love bruises from love and not harm and theyre showing people you belong to someone.

Laura belonged to me, and only me.

I started kissing her neck when she tilted her head to the side to give me a better access.

After all what happened today, Laura deserved it to be loved like this. She was afraid, frightened, i was going to make her forget it for one night.

I didnt care about school, or these tons of homework i had to do. All I cared about this day was Laura Marie Marano, aka the love of my life.

"Youre gonna stay with me tonight, okay?" I whispered in her ear and she hesitated but nodded, then I continued, "Im gonna ask someone to say youre sick."

Then Laura turned her head to me and looked at me unsure, "what about you?" she whispered.

I chuckled and pulled away before facing her, even tho i still didnt see her that good, "Dont worry."

"But i do, Ross. I dont want you to get one more warning. you could get expelled from school.."

"Babe. Stop, okay? Im fine. I promise." I smiled at her. "Everything's okay."

Laura then nodded and gave me a weak smile. I kissed her again, softly, passionate, lightly.

We had had sex one to two times since we were together. The first time was when we were home alone and she drove over my back and my chest. Jesus, this was a huge turn on.

But meanwhile, she totally knew like every place i liked to be touched. She knew when she pulled onto my hair, i would do everything she wanted me to do becauss I couldn't even think clearly after it.

There were situations when i sat and she kissed my chest up to my lips. We often fucking teased each other, because we liked to see one another helpless.

When I realize that we weren't together for such a long time yet, but already did so much sexual stuff, i wonder how we actually did that.

Because when I remembered these days, the first things i remembered were us just having fun.

"Ross.." Laura moaned quietly and i felt her heart beating faster. As i thought i did something i didnt even realize. I massaged her breasts while leaving another hickey on her neck.

This sentence also was kind of a question, so i pulled back and looked at her again. She looked so..horny? you could say. She looked at the a while before starting to speak, "Did you ever think of.. going down there with your ..tongue?"

Laura was unsure by asking this, of course she was. Who wouldn't be. She looked down to her panties and I followed her gaze.

I opened my mouth slightly, i wanted to say something but there weren't words in my mouth.

Of course I thought about it, every time we did that to be exact. I never did that, not with Maia or anyone else, so i was totally clueless about how i would even begin.

My eyes found hers again. The imagine of having my head inbetween her legs, taking her, eating her, making her moan my name in pleasure, was driving me insane. I didnt wanna know how dark my eyes had to be.

Its still incredible how fast it could go with us boys. From the one second to the other we could be like sex addicts.

I didnt say anything to her, I just pulled her close and pressed my lips on hers. Once again. And again. I moved them fast, passionately. Rough.

Laura began tugging on my shirt and fuck, this shirt laid faster on the floor than when you count to three.

Her hands travelled my chest along, and my bare back, up to my baby hairs. She started playing with them, making me grow.

Here we go..

do you want this dirty chap? tell me and maybe when you want it, im gonna do you this favor. even when its gonna be bad ❤️

i think its weird how im writing this story. like one chapter is always just one thing what happens, most of the time. In other stories, there happens in 1 chapter 1 whole day or even more. Are you okay with my writing style?

comment fav line bc i like comments lol xo

Is everyone good? tell me how you are please. I wanna make sure youre all good, because when not im gonna come with Icecream and movies like anastasia which make you happy again. because who wouldnt be happy to watch anastasia with me 😉😌❤️

hatice i miss you. kim i miss you. never gonna forget you. you belong to my best friends and that forever.

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