chapter 59

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*half an hour later*

We were naked when I hovered over her, supporting myself with my knees and arms. We were kissing slowly, yet passionate.

Our lips - swollen for sure. All you could hear was the sound of our lips touching and brushing against one another. But that would change in a few,When i would give her what she wanted.

My heart was beating faster already at the thought of it. But it was exciting, and it was new. It was interesting and i also couldn't wait to discover her that way.

I started kissing her neck when she parted her lips. Light moans were escaping her mouth and she continued playing with my hair.

My one hand laid on her waist and i was moving above her lightly.

then I decided to get this started. I made my way to her breasts and kissed them one time. then again. and then i slightly bit in the nipples.

Shivers were going down her spin and she got goosebumps, arching her back a bit.

I kissed along her chest, down to her stomach, down to the area above where she wanted me.

I looked up, seeing her chest rising up and down fast, but her eyes were closed.

Her hands laid next to her body, then i looked at her vagina. I've never seen it from this perspective before and i gotta say, it looked weird at first, but it also looked beautiful. If that makes sense.

I licked my lip and started kissing her thigh. She took in a sharp breath. I liked this affect i had on her and decided to do it again, but closer to her zone..

*one week later*

"Laura, come on!" We were in a hurry to get to school in time. We overslept due to staying awake too long.

"Yes, Yes! I'm coming!" I was walking to my car already and opened the door when she came run up and jumped into it.

I walked over to my side and sat down, then i started the car, "Can we go?!" I looked at her and she nodded, Then i drove off and to school.

"And now fast, we are too late anyway!" I said when I stopped the car again and we took our bags and ran into the hallway.

"Bye, Princess." I said and pecked her lips short before she smiled weak, "Bye!" she answered and ran the stairs up to her classroom.

I short looked after her and then walked to my locker to take my books out and do them in my backpack.

No one was here because we were so late. Class would start in less than 5 minutes and i had to walk trough almost the whole school to get to the room I had now.

I sighed and closed my locker, turned around and started walking.

As i walked around the corner, someone came from behind and put on a sack over my head.

I decided to stay calm for the beginning, even tho my heart was having almost an attack.

"hello?" I said confused and slowly moved, but this person began holding me stronger.

"Ross Lynch?"

I nodded my head. I couldnt see anything and i didnt know this voice. It was a he and he was over 20 years old for sure.

He took my hand and put on handcuffs.

Immediately i tried to move away, "wow what youre doing?!" I said in shock but it hurt to try to get free.

"I was sent to take you with me."

What? i didnt understand this. He began walking with me, i guess direction back exit.

"Dude! let me go!" Due to this fucking handcuffs I couldn't slap around me. and refusing to walk didnt work.

This man didnt say anything, he just took me outside the school and i think in some car.

In the car he took this sack off of my head and i saw him in the face. I was mad and spat in his face.

"Let. me. go." I said in a kind of deep voice. He just smiled and shook his head.

then he fetched something and with it a water bottle. A pill. I saw where this was going.

"Im not gonna take that!" I said, slowly getting a bit panic but still showing that i was strong.

"Oh, Rossy. You will." That was when he took my head and kind of sat on me. I kept my mouth closed and shook it and tried to move as much as possible.

On some point he held my nose and i noticed how i couldn't get breath anymore. Because of this kicking and moving, I already was exhausted.

Fuck! I tried to keep my mouth closed as long as i could, but i just had to catch a breath. that was when he put this pill in my mouth and made me drink water with it.

Then he let go of me and backed away. I looked at him mad.

"Who sent you?" I asked, hissing.

I tried to refuse to get tired, but my eyes got heavier with every second. How strong was this pill?

"You'll see." He smirked and stood up, walked to the door of his transporter.

"Goodnight, bud."

Then he closed the door and locked it. Everything was dark, i saw nothing at all. I just noticed how the car started driving after a short while.

My eyes were so heavy, but there were so many questions i wanted to have answered.

Where were he taking me? Who sent him? How did he get into my school without being seen and the most painful question; What would happen to Laura?

With the thought of losing Laura, i passed out.

Firstly, i am so sorry for not writing this dirty chap. I just couldnt.. didnt know how, when im not in the mood for writing dirty, i cant write anything about it.

Secondly, gosh this is going to be so terrible since i have no idea how to write this whole stuff. But who do you think is it?

Btw, is someone watching the 100? would be so nice to have one more to fangirl about it with.

bye, i hope you dont hate me, love you 💘💗🍌 yours sincerely, bellarke and flarke trash

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