chapter 14

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I slowly looked up, seeing her already looking at me with so much concern in her eyes, "Sit down." she commanded me. I did what she said and sat down next to her. "What happened?" she asked.

"I caught Ross with Maia today.." I didnt want to talk about this, but i knew i had to. "They were together? behind your back?"

"I was about to go home when i heard a familiar voice behind the corner. Turned out it was Ross with his real girlfriend. As i sneaked around it, Maia saw me and made him say it again. That was when i walked up to him, he told me it was a dare." I said emotionsless and she hugged me. It didnt make me feel much better, but i thanked her anyways.

"He doesnt even know what he's missing. You're a beautiful girl. Youre kind. And what is he? An arrogant Asshole." she said and she was right, he was.

"Vanessa, i need deflection." When someone could help me coming over this, then my sister. She always cheered me up, after every break up.

She nodded, "Lets go the mall." I wasnt sure if i wanted to go to the mall, but i knew it would help me, so we did it.


We, well Vanessa, bought a few clothes. she had such a good style, and me? i was wearing clothes with, at least, 2 colors in it, and those colors were grey, black & white, even when black and white arent colors.

I was thinking about that and Vanessa probably read my mind.

"Hey, your make over is this weekend! you excited?" Vanessa asked me smiling, while we walked home with our shooping bags.

The imagine I could become someone totally new after it, was giving me chills, but in a good way. New Style, New me.

"Oh yes, im so aflutter!!" I answered with a huge smile.

"You will look so stunning as soon as Kathleen lays hand on you. I googled a bit and you wont recognize yourself." Vanessa smiled, proudly.

"I dont know if you can make something like me 'stunning', to be honest." Vanessa rolled her eyes and pushed me.

"Laura, you are already beautiful. What is missing is make up, a good outfit and that we fix your hair a bit..Maybe an Ombre will look good on you?!" She said while studying me.

I nodded, didnt know how to reponse. "But todays wednesday. The make over will be saturday.." I sighed, "What am i gonna do with Ross? He wont stop texting me. And the worst thing is, i dont even know why he writes me!"

Vanessa opened our main door and we went in our house, "first of all; ignore him. Show him that you arent his doll." She said, while closing the door. "What he did was wrong, and he knows that, probably. But he thinks you will forgive him because hes the famous one."

"I wont forgive him that. Im done with this boy."


YES I KNOW. All, or some of you thought the make over is gonna happen in this chapter, but no. It would have been too long. I PROMISE, the make over will be in the next chapter. Or at least I REALLY try to!! Love y'all & im sorry, hope you can forgive me xoxo


comment fave line | if theres one in this chap haha. yes tice, im copying you ;*

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