chapter 18

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Lauras Pov.

Gosh this make over gave me so much self-confidence, maybe it was also Lisa. I actually would never have said this to Ross. But he deserved it so much, didnt he? I hated him.

Wow, it was his dare to be together with me. aha, but he could have told me, or not? I was not his Barbie with which he could play.  I am a living creature with feelings, and when he was thinking he could mess with mine, he was defintely wrong.

Of course, i still had feelings for Ross. I tried hard to forget about him, but how could I, when i saw him everyday? Were you ever in such a situation?

*2 weeks later*

Ross often tried to talk to me, I didnt let him because i didnt want to. But he didnt stop, I got mad and shouted at him to finally let me alone.

I wish it would have helped me coming over him, but instead i always felt deep pain when i saw him.

He barely was with his siblings and Vanessa nor with Maia, but he also was not alone, tons of girls always stood around him, probably trying to talk with him, but he just nodded.

Something changed, but why should I care? I laughed about that.

*at the end of school*

I was going out, with my friends. I know they weren't like 'real friends'. I mean they were ignoring me until i had this make over, but it felt good to be valued, I am honest.

"Bye, Laura." Lisa said smiling and gave me a hug, "Bye." I said back.

I hugged a few of my other ladies, "Are you coming along shopping today?", Ruby asked while walking already away. I smiled and nodded, "Would love to!"

Then we all got different ways.

I walked in direction to my place, with one headphone in my ear. I looked around, I didnt like this part of city. Here were too many noises, too many people.

I was glad that, when i was going a bit, i walked into a sort of park. On each side of the street were standing a few trees in a row, also benches.

With my chilling music, I looked also there around. Everything on this park was calming, the birds, the trees, the people with their dogs, escpecially this little lark where me and vanessa always fed the ducks when we were young.

At least 5 minutes later, i heard someone behind me screaming my name. Of course I recognized the voice. Ross.

"Laura!" He screamed, obviously out of breath. I decided to pretend like i didnt hear it since i actually heard music.

"Laura, please wait!" He screamed again and I rolled my eyes, giving up and turning around as he didn't stop, "What?"

He came ran up to me the last centimeters, "Would you ..please listen to me.." he said when he was standing in front of me.

"No, Ross." I said, crossing my arms, "Theres nothing to talk about." Why should i talk to him now, when i didnt the past weeks? He was not worth it.

Ross fixed his bag which wasn't on his back anymore, "Laura, please.."

I sighed, "Theres no point in that. Please let me finally alone. I dont want to talk to you and especially i dont wanna see you when i actually dont have to."

Ross looked sad, "Is there anything on this planet what would change your mind?"

I wondered why he cared at all. he was the one lying all the fcuking time, he was the one breaking my heart.

Shaking my heart I turned around again, "Go home, Ross." I started walking again until i heard one strange sentence from Ross..


Is just my wattpad totally messed up? its so weird to update-.-

Im gonna freak soon because its getting on my nerves how when I wanna click enter it goes on the start of my sentence. GOSH!!!

okay, what could I tell you guys else.. COMMENT FAVE LINE! And ily guys, stay awesome.

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twitter: rudysmaia

insta: onlyraura

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