chapter 57

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After what felt like 2 hours, Laura woke up. She was so cute, she turned to me and kissed my cheek.

"Morning, babe." I smiled at her.

I was nervous because i couldn't stop thinking about this dream and the note. But i didnt want Laura to know it yet, it would ruin everything.

"How late is it?" She asked in her sleepy voice and rubbed her eyes while sitting up.

I looked at my phone, "It is 5pm."

I might didn't sound that happy, that could have been why she took notice.

Laura looked at me, "Is something wrong?" She asked, careful.

Should i tell her now? was this the right moment? she deserved to know it, right? i mean it was about her.

I sighed and turned to her, "Something happened today at school.." I began but then remembered this with Maia, "Actually 2 things happened today.."

"Do i have to be afraid?" She asked and i looked at her now.

"After..I said goodbye to you this morning, I ..heard a voice behind of me.. He or She, i can't recall the voice, called my Name.. I turned around, but there was no one. So i went inside the school and looked around. I saw a note on my locker so i walked towards it and took it.." I stood up, my heart beating faster again, and fetched the note from my backpack.

I was literally so afraid in this very moment. I didnt want to see her reaction, i had no idea how to calm her.

I sat back down and handed her this little piece of paper, "thats the note i found.." I looked at her as she began reading.

Her face went from confused to shocked real quick and then she looked up, "What is this?!"

"I dont know it, Laura.. Someones trying to break us apart, take you away from me.."

She began breathing more heavily, i saw that she was afraid, "Why would anyone do this! who would do this!"

Perfect question. Now i could tell her the other stupid thing. I hate my life.

"I think it is Maia, to be honest.. Today she tried to..give me a blowjob."

Lauras mouth dropped, "WHAT!?"

I nodded and remembered the scene, "I was sitting on my bench in the big break, i read the note and thought about it. Suddenly Maia came to me and tried to tell me that she fell for me again." I rolled my eyes - as if - "but then she sat down on my lap. I told her ive got a girlfriend.. she didn't stop. She began moving her waist. Im still a boy, dont forget this.. Its hard for me to fight about this action."

Laura swallowed, "did she actually give you a .." I shook my head slowly and said no.

"I could stop her before it went too far..But, she whispered in my ear that she knew my weaknesses."

"So she meant she knows how to turn you on? I also know that!" Laura maybe got mad, but she was also afraid of me continuing to tell this story.

"No, Laura..based on this note..I think Maia meant you. You are my biggest weakness. I think she knows that.."

Laura looked at the note and then at me, "What are we going to do?" Her voice shook a bit.

I took her hand, "No ones gonna take you away from me, okay? Im gonna be with you every day, im gonna walk you home, drive you home, drive you to school. I dont care, but trust me.

Nothings gonna happen to you."


"Can you remember these notes you became a few months ago?"

Laura looked at me confused, "Which ones?"

I smiled, remembering the time Laura had a secret admirer. She was together with Simon, I realized that i felt something for her and so i wrote these quotes on little papers and also did them on her locker.

"Something like 'The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. You will understand when you're ready to.'" I smirked and looked at her.

Her eyes widened and then she looked at me, "You were the.."

I nodded, "Yes. I was your secret admirer." I smiled and so did she.

We talked about this note thing, but decided to not let it ruin us. Maybe it also was just a prank, who knows? I didnt tell her from my dream. No i maybe will never tell her. I didnt know it.

"Oh my god.." Laura looked at me and then kissed me all of a sudden. I smiled into that kiss and kissed back, softly.

She placed her hand on my cheek and slowly rubbed her thumb over it before she short later pulled away and looked in my eyes, "Looks like im ready.." She smiled weak.

I loved this girl with everything you could love. Sometimes it hurt loving her so much, for example when she wasnt around me. It was hard to sleep at night when she wasnt with me. I needed to hear her voice to fall asleep sometimes. Sometimes she sang for me till i fell asleep after my dad was stupid again. Jesus Christ, I was grateful to have her.

I smiled back, "I knew you would be some day. I knew you still loved me. I knew we would end up together..I was so sure."

Laura chuckled light, "What made you so sure, Shor?"

I laughed a bit, "You always looked after me. Every time i walked past you. And when not, you kissed this asshole and then looked for me."

She blushed, "Oh my.. Youre right.. I always said i just wanted to check if you're alright. I lied to simon, i lied to you and i lied to myself as i said i hated you, and that i didnt love you anymore. I did so much.."

She looked down but then up, "The other evening i walked home from simon and walked past your house. I heard screams.."

Lauras Pov.

I was curious why i heard two men screaming, so i hide behind a tree. I knew one man was Ross' Dad, but the other voice i didn't recognize. In the end it was Ross voice itself.

"Come back!" Mark screamed as Ross left the house. As i saw him I had to catch air so hard, he looked so bad.

He walked down the street and waited for someone. I was about to go to him when a car drove towards him. A girl got outta the car. Courtney.

She didnt ask him why he looked so bad. Did she was used to it, i thought to myself. Ross and Courtney hugged and then they drove away.

"I can remember..My dad was punching me and screamed at me..I couldnt take this anymore, I had to leave this house..I went to Courtneys and stayed there the night.." He chuckled light, probably because he remembered something.

"We kissed." He said and i took a breath, I actually didnt wanna know this, but then he continued talking. "We both knew i loved you..Thats why she pulled away.."

"Did she kiss you?" I asked quietly and then he shook his head, "No, i kissed her..I dont even know why i did. From the one second to the other, my lips laid on hers.."

I nodded, "Okay.."

He gave me a kiss on my forehead, "I love you." He whispered.

This sweetness caused me to smile a bit again, i closed my eyes while he did and whispered the exact same thing back.

hello nice people. im excited for tomorrow. jup tomorrow we go to the cinema, to the new anne frank movie with our whole school. holy shit hahah.

heres a little update, i dont like it, but i hope you do. I hope i can write this good because im so clueless how to write this. Sometimes i miss my roleplay because it helped me, but i can live without her and wirhout it. i got used to it real quick actually. long story bla.


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