chapter 74

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After i hung up, i took a big bag and threw some clothes and my charger in it. Then I kneeled down and took a box from underneath my bed and laid it on it.

I sighed and opened it. Hundreds of dollars. "That should be enough." I whispered and closed the box again and did it in the bag.

The next thing i did was taking a piece of paper and a pencil and writing down some informations for Rydel. She shouldn't worry about me but she also shouldn't try to find me. I would come back.


"Ross?" I heard Laura whispering.

I turned around and smiled, she came ran to me and hugged me.

"W-Whats going on?" She asked, clearly confused.

"Do you have everything you need?"

She nodded, "Yes i do. But tell me what's happening now!"

I licked over my lip, "How you know, my father likes to hurt me. I am sick of this house, i wanna runaway. just for a while! and I want you to come with me."

"What?! Ross! I cant do this! what about my family? What about yours?" Laura said, sadly.

"What family do you mean? My aggressive dad and my careless brothers ? this family? Laura i know this is a big thing, but please come with me. Just for a few weeks. Youre save with me. I promise!"

She took a deep breath, "Where are we gonna sleep?"

I smiled, "In hotels." I took her bag and put it in the car, opened the door for her.

After she sat down, i walked over to my side and sat down as well.

"How hotels? from which money to we wanna pay this?"

"Dont worry, babe. We're always just staying the night. The day we're gonna experience other cities. See this as kind of a roadtrip. Its gonna be fun!"

"Okay Ross. But just because i trust you. Im gonna text my mom." Laura took her phone and i started the car, then we drove away.


We drove like 2 hours before i stopped at some hotel. I looked over to Laura to find her sleeping against the window.

I smiled a bit, she was the purest thing on this planet. Not everyone would have done this with me. Running away without even planning it.

I got outta the car, and ran into the hotel, checked us in. After i got the key for our apartment, i walked to my car again, took our bags on my back and because i was a gentleman, i took her bridal style.

"hm?" She mumbled against my chest and i smiled just more.

"we're at our first hotel." I whispered back and carried her to our room. I somehow managed it to unlock the door and walked in.

I laid her onto the bed and gave her a kiss onto the forehead before leaning back and putting the bags on the ground.

Then i sighed and sat down onto the bed, it was dark in this room. Of course it was 1am. But i still could see some things.

Do you know this when youre going into some dark room and after a while you can recognize things because you got used to the dark?

I noticed Laura sitting up and seconds after that she said sleepy, "where are we right now?"

I turned around and saw her rubbing her eyes, "I dont know, we'll see tomorrow. You can sleep if you want, its late."

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