chapter 78

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christmas chapter 🎅🏼🎄

lauras pov

I looked at the letter. Slowly, there weren't any tears left anymore after I read it for like 2 hours. This was probably the worst thing that could have ever happened.

I didnt believe in this. My mom loved my dad, always. She was too good to cheat on him. There got to be some kind of mistake. I just had to figure it out.

I took my macchiato, which was cold by now and left the café. Even the weather was like i felt. It was raining and the wind was freaking cold, but for me..well i didnt feel cold in this moment.

I knew this wouldn't have been the end of the world, but then.. Ross was my world. He worked so hard to win my heart and after all, he freaking stole it.

What do one do when they find out the person they loved with all their heart and soul was their sibling?

one week later

Me and Ross still broke up. We didnt talk that much. I tried to speak to my mom but she never had time. She was working or went on team meetings every day this week. But this day, i would talk to her. I went downstairs and there she sat on the kitchen table, drinking tea.

"Mom?" I said weakly and swallowed.

My mom looked up and dropped her mouth, "Oh my god, honey! whats wrong?"

I took a big breath and sat down on the opposite of her, "Ross said i should wait with that, but i cant." With that, i threw the letter to her, "what is this huh?!"

She read the letter slowly and got confused short after, when she finished she looked up again, "Who wrote this?"

Tears were slowly building in my eyes again, "You should know it best, right? I mean you were the one sending this to Ross' Dad!"

her eyes widened, "what? Laura, i never wrote this letter and .. did you seriously believe that mr. lynch and i.. Ew no! We never were a thing. You know i love your dad. And.. oh my god i cant believe this. Did Ross gave you this letter?"

I blinked a few times and frowned, "yes. Ross' Dad gave it to him and made clearly sure he believed in this and so did i. Why would there be another letter from a woman writing about her new baby Laura and that they're having their second girl?! Sounds a lot like me and Vanessa."

"Yeah but im not the only woman in this world having a daughter with the name Laura, Laura. This could be a freaking big coincidence. But you arent Ross' sister nor did i ever have something with Mark. I promise!"

I let out the breath i was holding the whole time. It felt like a big stone fell from my shoulder, "oh god.." But then i widened my eyes, "oh god! Ross!"

With that i ran outta the door and in Ross' direction. I ran as fast as i could. I couldn't believe my luck. I knocked on the door many times until someone opened it.

"Laura! what a surprise! Why are you here?" Riker said annoyed, "If you're here to see Ross. I think thats a bad timing."

I just rolled my eyes and ran past him up the stairs to Ross' room. "Ross!" I said as i opened the door to his room.

"Ross i have good new-" When the door was open and i walked in, i couldnt believe my eyes.

A girl pulled away from Ross and Ross sat up, shocked. "Laura, w-what are you doing here?"

My heart fell into my stomach. one second later, Riker walked to his room saying one thing, "I said it was bad timing." Then he laughed and left.

I starred at the girl until she realized that she should leave as fast as possible. Thats what she did, she stood up and looked at Ross before walking out.

Ross stood up too and walked to me, "Laura whats wrong, what happened?!"

I slapped him, "I cant believe you! As soon as your bastard of dad tells you a big lie, you believe it and go fuck the next best girl?!"

"Wowowow, okay first thing.. OUTCH? second thing, we didnt fuck! and third thing.. lie?!"

I laughed sarcastically, "yes you fucking idiot! He lied. I talked to my mom, she never fucked your dad. We aren't siblings! But after this, we also arent friends anymore."

I turned around and wanted to go but Ross pulled me back and kissed me. He knew my weaknesses. His lips were a big one.

I took all my strength together and pulled away, "Are you serious, Lynch!" I got mad. We weren't together but it broke my heart that he could kiss anothr girls one week after what happened.

"Laura, whatever you think was between this girl and me, it wasnt! I just kissed her to forget you. Im sorry but the pain in my heart didnt want to go away. I missed you so much and the thought of never kissing you again was driving me insane.."

"Oh so you just go and kiss another girl yes? I can play this game too, Ross. But i didnt. I didnt kiss another boy. I didnt even have the strength to do this. So tell me why did you have it? I can tell you why. because thats what you always have been, an asshole!"

"Fuck Laura. Please dont do this.. I need you, I cant lose you again, please stay with me. Im sorry.."

As hard as it was for me, i shook my head, "No Ross. It has been one week. One week, Ross. You couldn't wait one fucking week? Now you dont even have to wait anymore. At least not for the next weeks. I need my time now. But just that you know it im gonna say it again, We aren't siblings. And your dad is an asshole. But well, as is the father so is the son. Bye."

After this i left, but this time he didnt follow me. I kinda was sad about this but in the first place i was mad.

I lost the love of my life again. Great.

hey babies. So this is probably the worst chapter ive ever written but i totally dont know what to do. I wanted to continue and i knew i wanted to do this this way, just the way i wrote it is totally messed up. Im sorry for that.

and im sorry for breaking your hearts lmao but MEERRY CHRISTMAS <3

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