chapter 30

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Ross POV.

I looked shocked at Laura, then at this girl, "Me?" I asked, nervously.

She laughed, "yes you, or is here someone else with the name Ross Lynch?"

Of course, urg I was so stupid. I slowly walked to the stage, smiling just because I didn't want to show them what I was feeling.

"Here is our real king!" The girl said and everyone started clapping, except for Laura and Simon.

I looked over to him for a short moment and he looked all mad and annoyed. I didn't know what to do.

"And here are your crowns." This girl, whos name i still didn't know, continued and put the crown careful on my head, same she did with Laura.

I looked at Laura, she looked so incredible stunning. She wore a simple white dress with a golden necklace, her hair slightly curled and her make up was on point.

She faced me too but saw away fast. "And now. Your dance, the place's yours." The girl smiled and pointed to it.

Laura swallowed and we both went to the dancing place, slowly. Everyone was watching us, some people smiled, and with them Courtney.

I stood in front of her by now, she looked at me and the music began to play.

Looking at her I went a step closer and careful and unsure laid my hands around her waist.

I heard that she quietly took a sharp breath and then slowly laid her arms around my neck.

We started to slow dance and I was searching her eyes, while she looked away.

"Laura, look at me.." I half whispered. Now she faced me, looked into my eyes.

I saw everything she felt; fear, disappointment, sadness, madness, she wanted to kill me, but also she wanted to hug me tight.

Maybe she missed me exactly that much as I did?!

"I'm sorry.." I said after a moment we danced quietly.

She looked down because there was a tear rolling down her cheek. I hated to see her like that, it hurt me.

I wanted to wipe the tear away, but she pushed my hand away, "don't touch me.."

I pulled away and looked at her, "what is going on?"

She took her arms away too and I felt how everyone was looking at me, "listen." She began, but she whispered, "I don't know by myself why you won this thing with me. We may had to take this stupid dance, but it isn't for you, okay!? I hate you."

That was when she left me, she ran out. She was mad, And I could understand her.

I looked how she ran away and decided to run after her. Simon stopped me, "Sorry, Bro. This is my job." He said and wanted to go, but I turned him around and punched his face one time.

Everyone took hard breaths and walked fast to Simon, I just ran after Laura.

As I was out, I immediately got wet. It was raining, and that pretty hard. As we went to this event, it was raining light.

"Laura!?" I screamed at her and walked around. "Laaura!!"

I wanted to clear that with her, it couldnt stay like it was..I felt so terrible to fight with her.

After like 5 minutes I heard a voice behind me. "CANT YOU JUST LET ME ALONE?" Laura screamed, madly.

I turned around and sighed, "I could never let you alone." Was my quiet answer.

Heyhoo (:
So this is it, be prepared for the next chapter :c

This chapter was boring but who cares.

So I'm writing a new story right now, its gonna be called "uncontrollably love" would you read it?

Love you all! Wish me luck for tomorrow!! (My timezone ;b)

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Instagram: onlyraura, smilingformaia (personal)
Twitter: rudysmaia
Snapchat: monismaia

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