chapter 15

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*3 days later*

I did what Vanessa said, I ignored him. Ross tried to talk to me, sometimes. Not often, but he did. I didnt even look at him when he came walked up to me. I loved him, yes that was true. But i didnt let him break my heart twice. 

He was still together with Maia and they showed this pretty good. Maia always liked to show that he's hers, like she kissed him always and everywhere or Ross had his arm around her waist.

"Laura! are you ready?!" Vanessa interrupted my thoughts due to screaming from downstairs.

I was ready. I looked in the mirror, studying myself for a last time. This excitement was killing me. How was i going to look after the make over?

"LAURA!" She screamed again and I winced and giggled a bit. Then I walked down the stairs.

Vanessa was already dressed on with her shoes and she stand there with her keys and her handbag.

I looked at her excusing and dressed my shoes on either. "We can go." I smiled at her, she nodded and we walked down to her car.

As we sat into it, i couldnt hold back my excitement, "I cant believe I'm doing this!" I said with a huge, big smile across my face.

"This is gonna be so much fun." Vanessa replied, smiling. Then she began driving to Kathleen Stewarts House. Yes we did the make over in her own house, sounds strange, but it was true.


"Hello, I'm Kathleen Stewart, fashion journalist." She greeted us and gave me her hand to shake it, and after me she gave her hand to Vanessa.

"Hey, I am Vanessa" She said while pointing to herself, "And this is Laura."

"So you are the one who won this make over?" Kathleen smiled friendly, i nodded nervously.

We went in her house and she told us we should sit down, so we did.

"So, Laura. Are you ready to become someone totally new?" Kathleen came with 3 glasses of Water back to us and sat down on the opposite from where we were sitting.

"I guess, i am." I tried to smile, but i was hella nervous.

"First. tell me, what you dont like about yourself." Kathleen questioned.

There was much. Actually my whole body, my hair, my face, my hands, feet, my eyes, this stupid glasses, my eyebrows. But the worst thing on me was, that i trusted too fast. "Everything." I reponsed after a short while.

Kathleen nodded, "When you look in a mirror, what do you see?" I thought again and sighed, "An ugly, no self-confident girl."

"So, you think you arent confident?" I nodded and she smiled, "Well, Miss Marano. We will change that by today!" I smiled now too, but still nervous.

Kathleen looked at me, "When I look at you, i see no colors. Do you wear colors at all?"

"Well, i wear clothes with simple blue, or light pink." She puckered her face, "Why dont you wear clothes which are colorful? like.. a flashy blue top, or a flashy pink jeans?"

"I just think, that this sort of clothes wouldnt look good on me." I said while looking down. Vanessa stayed quiet the whole time, until now.

"I thought about an Ombré, im sure it will make her look so much more modern" And then they both stared at me. Kathleen was studying me from the bottom to the top.

"Lets go in the city for the shopping tour." Kathleen smiled as she finished practicing me.


We went into the Keds Store, yes this is existing guys. i didnt know this as well. I was allowed to pick 1 outfits by myself and 2-3 outfits was Kathleen going to pick. Me & Vanessa walked alone through the store and after i found what i searched, we went to the dessing rooms and waited for Kathleen.

"Here" Kathleen gave me her clothes and the shoes, "You go into this changing room and you dress on your outfit first. Okay?" She said, smiling.

"Okay.." I answered and did what she said. After dressing on those clothes which i chose, i stepped outta the cabin and walked up to Kathleen and Vanessa. Both of them looked weird at me. "What?"

"Look, Laura." Kathleen took me and placed me in front of the mirror, " boring. There are no colors!"

I looked at me, yeah she was right. The clothes i chose were grey and totally disgusting. "Go and change into my first outfit." She said smiling, big. I nodded and went into the changing room again.

The first outfit of Kathleen was a turquoise skirt with a white blouse, to that the perfect fitting turquoise flats and as accessoire sunglasses. I dressed it on and since in this changing room arent mirrors, i had to go out and Kathleens mouth dropped immediately, same with Vanessa's.

"Wow, This is.." Vanessa began to speak amazed, "stunning." Kathleen finished her sentence. I blushed a bit and Kath took me by arm again and made me look in the mirror, as I saw me i bit my lip and was speechless.

"When you would see this girl on the street, what would you think of her?" Kath asked careful. It took me a few seconds before i was able to answer, "That she looks beautiful, and stylish."

"Should I tell you a secret?" She whispered while looking at me trough the mirror. I nodded, "This girl is you. And this outfit it colorful and it looks like summer as well."

I kept looking at me, that was until Kath said, "And now the other outfit."


probably longest chapter im ever going to write, haha.

comment fave line :)

anyways, I hope y'all aren't too disappointed that there isn't raura in this chapter, but how you see, already just the beginning of the makeover took ages and is todes long. It isn't all, the hair is missing and the end outfit and blablbla

I got inspired by the tv show 'plain jane' and this Kathleen looks in my Imagination like Louise Roe. ANOTHER INFO: IDC, like really don't care, about mistakes haha because im only human and I bleed when I fall down. Besides, I never had such a makeover and I just can try to explain from what I saw in this tv show :))

hope ya respect that im german and stuff <3 LOVE YALL

- if you have requests or questions, tweet me :) -

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twitter: rudysmaia

insta: onlyraura

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