chapter 20

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(Still as Ross)

I went home after this talk with Laura. I felt empty, I didn't know what was going on with me. Because of that I asked the best person I knew for help, Rydel.

"Of course she doesn't forgive you, I mean you lied to her a long time." Rydel said, yet a bit uninterested.

I sat down on her bed, "But why doesn't she at least listen to me!" I was desperated. I just wanted her forgiveness and I didn't even know why.

"Ross, she's hurt." Rydel turned around to me now, finally, "to get her to forgive you could be hard."

"I don't care." I really didn't, "I'd do everything!" That was what made Rydel focused on me.

She raised her eyebrows, "Could it be, that you're feeling something for her you don't know by yourself yet?"

I never thought about this. But why? It all made sense; why I wanted her back so badly, why I felt such a strange feeling when I looked at her and especially why I always wanted to k- No! "I don't know, Rydel.." I looked down.

She sighed and took my hand, "you fell for her, Ross.." Rydel said careful.

Rydel had a hard shift, she was hanging with the wrong people, just like I did once. But when it was about people she loved, she forgot it all and tried to help as good as she could.

I looked up, "I can't love her..I love Maia.." To be honest, I didn't believe one word I said.

Rydel pressed my hand and smiled weak, "You're stupid." I smiled light at this statement. It was so true, I seriously was

"You know one stupid thing about love?" She began speaking and she sounded so careful, it caused me to smile more inside. I loved this side of my sister, it was just beautiful.

As I came back I shook my head and she continued, "you can't decide for who you fall."

Did I seriously fall for Laura Marie Marano?...

*a few weeks passed*

Yes. The answer was yes.

After this speech with Rydel, I thought long about this. I mean, everything made sense. Yes, I fell for Laura Marie Marano. No, she still didn't forgive me.

All I know was, that I had to win her heart back. I wanted her back in my life, because after all. The time with her was way better then the time with maia.

I read in some websites that kissing someone seriously could make them fall. But there was a problem, I couldnt kiss Laura because of Simon.

Oh did I tell you that she got a boyfriend? Simon Lewis, he wore glasses, had dark eyes with long lashes and thick dark curls. He was about 5' 10".

I'm sure you wanna know how they got together? Well, that's easy. He asked her out because she was hot as fuck and she said yes because she knew I didn't like him.

I didn't think Laura actually loved him, I thought it was sort of a distraction. I'm honest.

there's something else I forgot to tell.. Laura had a secret admirer, wanna know who it was?


When you know "the mortal instruments" and thought about simon lewis at the words simon Lewis, then I love you.

If not, then I still love you c:

okay I know this was a Ross chapter and of course maybe there are gonna be Simon and Laura chapters, but there will be raira chapters too, so enjoy the time of waiting. But for the best BOOM moment; don't wait for it.


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