chapter 21

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I also read on those websites, writing sweet messages everyday is a good way to win someone's heart back.

That's what I did. I wrote little short messages, every day.

Maybe you're asking yourself how she didn't notice it was me or stuff. Well, I put those messages on her locker early, when she wasn't in school yet. And this girl had many admirer.

Laura liked those messages, but she didn't try to figure out who it was because she had found her meant to be.

  - -
Laura's pov

"Laura, this has to stop." Simon said annoyed because I was standing on my locker, smiling like an idiot.

"But those are so cayuuute!" I looked at it and read it once again.

"Its cute, Laura. Not cayuute" I rolled my eyes, "Its cute, Laura. Not cayuute.." I mimicked his voice and he looked at me.

Looking up, I smiled innocent, "Love yoouuu.." That's when he rolled his eyes either, but it caused him to smile.

I closed my locker, still having the little note in my hand when he laid his arm around my shoulder and walked out with me, "what's standing in there today?" He asked.

I took it before my eyes and started reading out loud, "The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. You will understand when you're ready to."

I knew he frowned as I finished reading, "what does that mean?"

I shrugged, "I dunno." I really didn't know it. I didn't even know who wrote those notes, "But I'm sure, the person who wrote this meant something with my job."

In this moment, Ross came outta the School and Simon saw him. He pulled me closer to him and crashed his lips onto mine.

Smiling, I kissed back. Of course I knew he did it on purpose. Ross and Simon never liked one another, because Simon and his Gang were like the 'enemies' of Ross and his one.

Yes, that of course also meant I was together with one enemy of my sister, but Vanessa still supported me.

When he pulled away, I looked after Ross. He has been doing exercises lately. His abs and muscles grew a lot, but not too much. it looked good on him though.

"Hey.." Simons voice caused me to come to reality, I turned around again and shook my head.

"Sorry.." I said in hope he would just let it be but he looked at Ross, who also looked at me.

Simon nodded, but I saw what was going on with him, so I laid my hands on his chest and looked up at him, "Simon, I am sorry for always looking at Ross..I just..wanna make sure that he's okay, since I broke his heart. If youre thinking there's something between us then you're wrong!"

He looked down to me and smiled weak, "I know, Laura. Its fine with me. It just makes me mad that he is looking at my girl."

I smiled again, I loved it when he called me his girl. Me, Laura Marano, was Simon Lewis' Girl. Laumon or Simaura? Didn't matter, I was his girl. And he was my boy.

Hey cutiies
I don't like this chapter that much, but ya..

Ive got sooo good ideas asdfgh but theres still so much time left until it.-. If I could skip it all and straight go over to it, then I would. But I can't!:c

Comment fav line!!!:)

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PS, tomorrow is school again, means my updating could become less again../:

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