chapter 75 / new cover

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I woke up by the voice of cars and loud noises. Looking over to Laura i saw that she was still sleeping. She was so cute, so quiet, so calm.

My phone vibrated. I looked over to the nightstand, a message from rydel. now two, three. now 5. I decided to take my phone and call her.

I went outside to the balcony and typed in the number.

"Rydel?" I asked quietly, "yes yes im good." She spoke very fast and very worried.


"Im gonna survive."

"Lauras with me."

"Yes of course im gonna protect her!"

I sighed, "yes. god rydel calm down im gonna come back sooner or later."

"Aha, yes. Bye."

That was when i hung up and went inside again, checking if laura was still sleeping.

She was.

I smiled as i laid my phone back onto the table. I thought of something i could do now till I remembered that i could take a shower.

And thats what i did, i took new clothes and walked into the bathroom, dressed of my clothes i was wearing in this moment and turned the shower on.

Laura pov.

I opened my eyes slowly, rubbed them. Then i looked next to me, no Ross. I furrowed my brows and sat up.

"Where is he?" I asked myself but in the next second I heard the shower and nodded, "Alright." I giggled.

I looked to the bathroom door and bit my lip. Then i stood up and went in there quietly.

Good thing it was loud and he was turned to the wall with his eyes closed.

Gosh his ass was so sexy, so round and i just wanted to squeeze it. I pulled the nightdress over my head and slowly entered the shower.

That was when he turned around, "Woah, hey there." he smiled.

I gave him a kiss and went under the hot water. I loved the feeling of water flowing over my body.

"Hey, dont steal my warm water, bitch." Ross laughed and pushed me lightly to get under it again.

I smiled and slowly approached him. He just watched me and tried to protect his warm water for himself.

"I love you, my big bad boy." I said while laying my hands around his arm, feeling his biceps and triceps.

"I know you do, babe." He said back while smirking.

I just started kissing his shoulder, going over to his neck.

"babe." He said and turned to me, looked in my face, smirking. "If you wanna kiss my body, kiss my lips."

"I wont let you tell me that twice." I said smiling and pressed my lips against his.

He wrapped his strong arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

I enjoyed the feeling of his lips brushing over mine, it was one of my favorites.

*1 week later*

ross pov

"Laura! get ready now!" I smiled.

In this week we slept every day at a different hotel. And we had so much fun. if you understand what i mean.

yes, we had sex in every hotel. it kinda became such a thing. one time it was romantic, the other just wild and sexy.

Laura is my dream girl in so many point of views. I just learned loving her more while basically living with her.

"Comin!" She said and came outta the bathroom, her hair in a messy bun, in one of my boxers and my shirt. sexy like always.

She laid down next to me, in my arms and i kissed her head. Cuddle time.

I loved it, i can't understand how most of the boys dont like it to just lay next to their girl and enjoy the calmness.

"Ross?" She said after a while of being quiet.

I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me, she looked unsure.

"yes, honey?" I answered, soft.

She looked at our intertwined hands and then at me again, I clearly could see that she was afraid to say whatever she wanted to say.

"I'm .." She took a deep breath, "Im pregnant."

I widened my eyes and for a short moment I couldn't breath. "Youre.. what??!" I sat up, looking shocked at her.

"No! you cant be! I mean - We are so young! We cant have a family just yet!" I stood up now, i was very close to freaking out.

"Well Ross, we had sex 1 week in a row now and we not always used a condom, so things like that can happen!"

I looked at her, "we, i, and dad! YOUR DAD! Omg hes going to kill me.." I moved my hand trough my hair. and then my dads gonna kill me again and they both will dance on my grave. im dead. im-"

"Ross! Calm!" She said loudly and looked at me sternly, "What do you want me to do. Should i ..keep it or.."

I dropped my mouth, "how could you think i would want you to kill our baby?! youre gonna keep it and we are gonna.. i dont know but i know we will make it! We gotta!"

Laura began smiling and stood up, walked to me and gave me a hug, "you passed the test."

I widened my eyes again, "say what?!"

Laura pulled away again and looked into my eyes, then she spoke calmly and soft, "im not pregnant, Ross."

I still couldn't believe anything, my brain was dead im this moment, "but didnt you just? and - im confused."

She giggled, "youre so cute. Ross youre not gonna be a father yet. It was a test..i was testing you truly love me. you passed it. You truly love me."

I slowly realized everything and i also was kind of relieved, "of course i do. Youre the love of my life, Laura. And one day, one day i wanna have babies. But not really now, you understand?"

She only nodded and gave me a tight hug.

idc if this is good or not i just fucking wanted to update again.
and sorry for probably giving feels and taking them away again :b

fave line is always welcome
and monis back at it again with the new cover. do you like it? 💕

and check out my new story "10 years"

and check out my new story "10 years"

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