chapter 23

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*2½weeks later*

I came home from an evening with Courtney. I sneaked in because it were over 11 pm and my dad should already sleep.

I quietly went in and dressed off my shoes. Then I past the living room, no lights. I was relieved, but suddenly the lights turned on and my dad was sitting on the chair, he didn't look happy at all.

"Dad, I-" I tried to explain but he cut me off, "I don't wanna hear it." Dad shook his head.

I was unsure about what to do, he was drunk. My heartbeat got faster as he stood up and came walked to me.

"What is the time?" He asked and I already heard the madness. "I-I don't know.."

Dad smiled, "look at your phone." And that's what I did, I took my phone and looked at the time.

"It is 1:43 am.." I answered and put my phone away, a bit scared.

My dad was so aggressive, lately. If you said just one wrong word, he gave you a slap on the face. And that mostly hard.

The relationship between me and dad became bad. We fought often. We got violent. Nothing was, like it has been before.

"So, tell me.. When do you actually have to be home?" I swallowed, "11pm."

He nodded, "and now it's almost 2am, Ross, you know what I do when someone doesn't follow my instructi-"

I knew exactly what he did, "no, dad please! I-I can expl-"

"DONT CUT ME OFF!" Dad screamed at me and I went quiet immediately and looked down.

"Look at me, Ross." He commanded. I slowly looked up and right then I felt his hand on my cheek, hard.

I formed my hands to fists, "Dad, please. I was just in the p-" He did it again and looked mad at me. My cheek throbbed, and I pressed my fists together.

"You shut up now. Your voice is annoying me. Go. I don't wanna see you."

That's when I left. I went upstairs in the bathroom and took a look at me. It shocked me every time how bad I actually looked.

My cheek had a handprint on it, of course. My hair has grown too long, My right eye were a bit bloated and my lip had an injury.

I untwisted the Faucet and washed my face with warm water. It hurt a bit, but this pain I liked more than the slaps of my dad.

Even when he was aggressive, I felt bad for him anyways. He lost the love of his life and his best friend.

His parents died when he was 12 so he had to live with his grandparents until they died too when he was like 18. Then he had no one. Until he met mom.

Love on the first sight.
I wished I had this too.

I was happy with Courtney, but we both noticed that more then friendship didn't work.

She took it with a smile and we are still close friends. Without her I probably would have broken down.

I was so down while Laura, well Laura, had fun like never. Parties over Parties, friends without end and so much admirer I couldn't count them with 2 hands anymore.

I loved her, and she loved Simon. It was the opposite around a few months ago.

I honestly don't know if this is good.. But yeah a bit drama is good, I love drama


BTW. I don't know how to describe Ross' looking so don't hate on me for this description (:


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Twitter: rudysmaia
Instagram: onlyraura, smilingformaia (personal)
Snapchat: monismaia

Stay awesome :*

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