chapter 10

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Within the movie, the tension between Laura and me became less. We looked at each other and it kinda made me smile also inside of me. Her smile was so warm and it really looked good on her.

Also her nervousness went back, because she scooted a bit closer to me. I didnt want her to think it bothered me so i let her. We didnt talk at all. She, same as me, thought it would ruin the movie.

After the movie ended, i knew i had to go. Maia was probably mad at me for not coming to our date and not answering her. So I shut the dvd player and placed it on the ground. "Thanks for being here." she said, smiling. "Thanks for having me." I said back, still sitting next to her. Lauras cheeks flushed and she looked down.

We both didnt know what to say so I looked at my phone. 15 messages, 3 missed calls. "Uh, I gotta go." I said while standing up. I really didnt want to be rude, but Maia would have kill me if i didnt go. "Um, yeah sure." Laura stood up too and we walked down the stairs. I dressed on my shoes and opened the door but turned around to her one last time.

"It was fun." I said, politely. "I'm sorry for leaving so early. Tomorrow, we will have a big test and I promised my mom i would study the whole evening right after the movie." I lied. She just shook her head, "Its alright." Laura smiled. She was believing it. I nodded and hugged her, goodbye. "See you." She said, half smiling while shutting the door.

I turned around and walked down to my car. Immediately, i took my phone and dialed Maias number, she picked up a few seconds after. "Why hello there!" she said, madly. "I can explain!" I tried to calm her down and sat into my car. "You wanted to be here 2 hours ago!" She emphasized '2'. I started my car, "I know! I am coming now, will be there in a few minutes. I am gonna explain then. Bye." I hung up and drove as fast the speed limit allowed to Maia.

After like 10 minutes I was there. I got out of the car once again for this evening and looked up after locking it. I saw Maia standing at the door, with her arms crossed. I walked up to her, "Hey." I said and wanted to kiss her, hello. She pushed me gently away, "Not until you told me why youre coming 2 hours too late." Maia said and went into her house. I followed her and closed the door behind me.

I was about to dress off my shoes as she turned around, "You're sure you need to stay long?" She was still mad. I sighed and dressed them off anyways, "Yes. I will explain. Dont take this too serious, Charlotte." She rolled her eyes as i called her by her middle name.  "Babe.", I went closer to her and she looked at me judging, then she groaned and took my arm, pulled me upstairs to her room. Maia pushed me in and shut the door behind her.

Her arms were still crossed, "Explain, Shor." She mimicked me.


i really enjoyed writing this chapter, i hope you liked it :)

leave a nic e comment and tell me where they could live

bc idk it and my friends do not know it as well haha


is this length of chapter okay? because i know im writing too less.


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