chapter 48

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for you guys who dont wanna read dirty, SKIP THAT CHAPTER! :) If you read it or not is your own decision. | at the end of this i wrote some things, i really want you to read. if you can. thank you :)

still lauras pov

Ross kissed my neck and i just had to smile, he did it so softly, so caring. He was the best.

I couldn't believe after all, we would end like this. Yesterday i would have never thought that this would ever happen. He seemed so inaccessible.

But now he was kissing me, Not one of these girls. Noooo, it was me. And I gotta admit that him kissing them, made him better than he already was. He collected experiences.

Ross came up to my lips again and kissed them, slowly he sat up with me. My legs around his waist and his strong arms pulled me in his lap.

I swung my arms around his neck and played with his babyhairs again. They were freaking wonderful, like everything on him.

He laid his hands under my shirt on my waist and i got goosebumps again. His fingers were freaking cold but my body was so heated up. We were like fire and ice.

"Can I?" He mumbled on my lips and tugged on my shirt. I bit my lips and thought a second before looking at him and nodding.

I didnt wear a bra tonight. I freaking didnt dress on a bra on exactly this night!

Ross slowly pulled up my shirt and pulled it over my head and then he looked at me, gazing at my chest.

His eyes got darker by the second and he laid me down again. I wasnt able to do something, nor say something. His hand travelled down my side, slowly again.

My chest rose up and down. Ross didnt kiss me, he just looked at me while doing it. This tension was building itself up again, but then he finally bent down, but he didnt kiss my lips, or my neck. He freaking kissed my breast.

I lost control over my arms and they now laid on the bed and cramped a bit since it felt so good. His tongue licked over the nipples and i was getting so excited.

Ross kissed his way up to my lips again, but his hand started massaging my breast. I moaned a bit on his mouth and he smiled before whispering something i never would have thought of hearing it from him.

"I was waiting so long for this."

He stopped with what he was doing to me and stood up. My eyes opened slowly and i saw him undressing himself, for a few seconds i forgot to breath, so i gasped. He was freaking gorgeous.

I felt myself swallowing as he pulled his boxer down. Laura calm, youre ready for this.

I looked down at myself, i was still wearing my jeans and everything. I didn't exactly know what to do, but I thought dressing them off would be a good start.

Ross smiled so weak, yet he shined so big. He walked up to the bed again, My look at his body.

He came on top of me again and i looked at him, he looked at me. We were hungry of each other, the looks we gave us told stories.

Ross was the boy who was faking it and cheated on Maia with me but at the same time on me with Maia. Ross was the boy who hurt me more than anyone else before him.

why? maybe because it was also him who took away my heart. He was caring on his own way, that was what made him so special.

Maybe i was stupid not checking that he faked it all, but you all know this, love makes blind.

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