chapter 24

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Lauras Pov.
"Simon, stop.." I moaned light as he was kissing my neck. With every time time he did that, I couldn't control myself more.

I tilted my head at his lips. he began sucking and I smiled, "Simon.."

He whispered on my skin, "Come on Laura, it has been three months ..lets have some fun.." And with that he made his way to my bra.

I pushed him away, softly. Simon looked confused at me, "What's wrong?"

I sighed and dressed my shirt on again, "How many times did i tell you I'm not ready for this?"

He bit his lip, "I know.. I'm sorry.." I know he was, he was a boy, boys always want Sex. But I wasn't ready yet.

I smiled weak and took his hand,pressed it, "Its alright." I said and kissed his cheek short.

My phone buzzed and I pulled away to look at it, "holy shit, its way too late for me to be not home yet!" I stood up, "Gotta go." I took my jacket, dressed on my shoes and gave him a peck on his lips.

When he said goodbye I left and went straight home. I walked fast, it was dark and it was so quiet.

Well at least until i was a few houses away from Simons house, there I heard screams. I got slower.

I looked around and noticed it was Ross house from which came these loud noises.

It sounded like Ross, but on the other hand not. And the other one screaming was his dad, there I was sure.

I saw that the door was about to open to I hided behind a tree, I sneaked around the corner to see him, Ross.

Ross came out and dressed on his last shoe. "COME BACK!!" Mark said, loudly.

"No, I won't!" Ross said even more mad and that was when his Dad showed up and kinda pulled him in and pushed him.

My mouth dropped and I started tearing up as I saw how he punched Ross face.

Ross came free after slapping and punching back. I never saw him being like that, so mad.

He shut the door and started walking down. I could see him better now, but I wish I didn't.

He looked so done, but on the other hand also so strong. His muscles just had grown even bigger. His hair got longer, which made him look older for some reason, but his eyes were filled with hate.

He fixed his watch on his arm and waited. That gave me the chance to see him better.

It was shocking, his lip was blue meanwhile and bleed a bit. I wanted to know what happened.

I was about to go to him when a car stopped in front of him and he finally smiled, even when he looked so bad. His smile didn't change.

"There you are." He said and I saw it was a girl who drove here. "I will always come to help you." Courtney said and hugged him.

Why didn't she ask him why he was looking that bad? Was she used to it? Didn't she care?

When they drove off, I walked home and thought about this.

England special update! I updated again because I won't update a week because im in England WUPP WUUUPP

PS. When you don't like me updating that often, just tell me :)

I really love reading comments so comment fave line.

I love you <33

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