chapter 22

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*after 1 month*

Ross POV.

Even after 1 month, Simon and Laura were together. They became the dream couple of our school.

Who would have thought that Laura, the those days called "miss ugly", would become one of the most popular pupils on our school? It was pure ironic.


It happened a lot in this mouth:

• My mom died (I'm so sorry :c)
• I cut myself one time, on the wrist. it were deep cuts and it was bloody, but now you almost can't see anything but the scars. Its just a reminder of a hard time.
• Me and the others have made up again, and it felt good to be back
• I got a new girlfriend
• Laura and Simon probably have slept together

Yeah, I'm gonna begin with my beautiful mother. I never told you she had cancer, did I? Well, she had and the cancer ate her from inside. She died 6 weeks after the thing with Laura happened and my whole family was so sad.

The mood was down and my dad began drinking again. He was hardcore alcoholic back then, but together with my mom he managed it to stop. I knew he would begin being mad and aggressive the whole time again. And how it turned out, I was right. But that's another story.

Well yes, it was true. I got a new girlfriend. kind of girlfriend.. She knew I had feelings for Laura but in her opinion I could come over Laura as soon as I let other people in my life again.

Me and her became friends, firstly. She liked me and I liked her. Soon later, she told me she fell in love with my character, and not with my body. I appreciated this and just gave it a Chance.

You could surely say that she was different than Maia. She was cute and shy, she was nice and sweet. Maia and Ryan had became such assholes, even when we made up. I lost respect.

-     -
"Ross.." She layed her hand around my arm and hugged it slight, because she felt that i wasnt okay. We were on the school backyard, 3rd break, and it was Monday.

She looked up at me, while I was starring straight in the air, thinking.

My dad has been the worst on the weekend. He was drunk for almost the whole time, and when he wasn't, he was a wreck because of mom. I could understand him.

To be honest, I took one to two bottles beer too. I wasn't really drunk but it let the pain fade away a bit.

Suddenly I felt her kissing my cheek softly and then she layed her head on my shoulder.

I smiled a weak, tiny smile and then looked at her, "thank you, Courtney.."

Courtney opened her eyes and faced me too, "for what?" She smiled weak either.

"Just for being here and making me feel better..I appreciate that so much." I said, quietly.

Court took my Hand, held it tight, what caused me to smile a bit more.

Laura and Simon came to the backyard and walked around, Simons Arm around her waist and their fingers intertwined.
I looked at them.

I stopped writing those notes as i got to know Courtney. I didn't talk to Laura and when we did, we fought. It was like I didn't know her.

I was sick of it, sick of my stupid feelings.

Your dare is it to begin a relationship with the ugliest girl on our school, He said.

Laura never was ugly. She was beautiful, inside and out. I wished she wouldnt have changed.

Courtney turned my head to her, to make me don't look at Laura, "Baby, just stop. She isn't worth your sadness. You've got such a pretty smile.."

I chuckled light and a bit sad, "I know.." I turned to Laura short again before continuing, "I know.."

Idk what to say..
Do not start asking if I ship rourtney, thanks. *;


I am so sorry for stormie in this story , but I got to do this.. :c

Ps, Ross isn't depressed, he just cut his wrist because he was done after his mom died.
Info; laura doesn't know from his cuts. (;

social media:
Twitter: rudysmaia
Instagram: onlyraura, smilingformaia (personal)
Snapchat: monismaia

Love you guys!!

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