chapter 4

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I went back inside where I searched Ryan. He was sitting with my Brothers and Maia. He had his arm around her. "Ryan?!", I shouted as I walked to them. "Yes?" He said with a smile. "What are you doing here with MY Girlfriend?", Maia also had her hand on his chest and her Head laid on his shoulder. I got angry. This was my girl.

"Pssh! Ross!", he stood up and walked to me, "Maia is still your Girlfriend. We just have to pretend like she's mine. Ya know? for your dare.", Ryan half whispered. I looked at Maia, and then at Ryan again, "Okay. But I warn you; kiss her, sleep with her or do anything she doesn't want and you're dead. Got it?", he smiled, "Deal.". Then we went back to our table. Ryan next to Maia again and I on the opposite. "So, Ross.. when's your date with miss ugly?", I laughed, "already today. I pick her up at 8pm".

Riker smirked hard, "I wanna see you kiss her so badly", "Soon." Ryan replied for me.

I looked at Maia. She looked sad..

At 7;30pm

lauras pov.

Okay. I cant believe it. In 30 minutes will Ross pick me up. And he broke up with this stunning girl for me. An ugly something.

"Vanessa!", I screamed at her while standing in front of the mirror. "Yes! What's wrong?", she came exhausted of running in my room. I laughed, "nothing's wrong. I need your help!", she sighed and smiled, "for what?".

I took 2 dresses and showed them Vanessa, "this dress..or this?", she looked at them, "Neither". I raised an eyebrow, "huh?", "go away" she said while she pushed me away. Then she searched into my closet until she found something."Wow, Laura!since when do you have this?" She showed me a flower skirt, "ah mom bought me this last week". Vanessa smiled big, "this is stunning! Why is it in the background?", "because I don't wear things like this." I sat down on my bed.

" you will wear this...with..", she searched again for something and took a normal black shirt. "That." I raised my eyebrow, "a shirt with a skirt?", "yes. Dress it on. Now.", I stood up, "o-okay..". She pushed out the room and I went into the bathroom and changed.

Then I went back to her. Her eyes widened, "okay. Seriously.. WOW!", I stood in front of the mirror, "Im not sure,Vanessa..this is so short", "this is Perfect!", then she looks on the clock, "WAIT something is missing!". Vanessa ran to her room and came back 1 minute later, "here! Dress that on either!", "O...kay?" I took the white cardigan and dressed it over the shirt. "Stunning." She said proudly. I looked in the mirror again. It looked different but still not stunning..

"And now go! He's waiting.", I got shocked, "he's already here?!", she shrugged her shoulders, "he's a gentleman" and then she smirked. "Vanessa, stop it..", I rolled with my eyes. "Finnne.. but go now." She pushed me out again.

Slowly I went down the stairs. He was turned to the door and so he couldn't see me. Then I touched his shoulder, he turned around to face me and his mouth dropped. "Laura, you look.."..

Gosh this is so boring but I don't care. Haha. I'm so tired, I'm going to bed nooow. Yes. Love ya all so freaky much . Hope you enjoyed this boring chapter xd

Qotd: night or day?
Aotd: NIGHT!

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