chapter 70

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"Cant we just shoot him?" I whispered to Courtney. We were hiding, preparing for whatever's coming.

Courtney shook her head and looked from our position to the door. We were looking out for the main entrance, jace and james were looking out for the back entrance and dylan and cole were telling the others to stay in some protect room. The others just weren't ready yet and would have done so many mistakes.

"We cant. We cant be sure if Aidan wants to hurt us or me or whatever, so if we would kill him without a special reason, we would be murderer and we would probably go to jail. Neither you nor me want that, right? so no shooting til it gets serious."

"It already got!" I whisper-yelled.

She looked at me and took my hand, "Calm. We will do this. Okay?" She smiled light, but you could see the fear in her eyes.

I nodded, for her. After i took a few breaths, i calmed down again.


The door opened, and right in this second, my heart began beating faster than it already did. You heard nothing but steps on the ground in the hallway.

I saw him, Aidan. He looked exactly like Courtneys Type. He wore black clothes and had blonde hair.

"Courtney baby, i know youre here. Why don't you just come out?" He said, smirking.

"I promise you i wont hurt you."

I looked over to courtney, she was thinking. I just slightly pushed her, mouthed her a 'no.' then she nodded.

Aidan walked around, looked from the left to the right. "You know i dont like games, nor i like waiting."

I swallowed, i didn't really know what to do. But then i heard noises, blunted screams.

2 more guys came in, holding one person. This person tried to get free, I couldnt see their face, they had something over it.

"Okay, since i know youre here. Lets make a deal." He said, coldly, walking to his 2 friends and pulling the back over this persons face.

My heart stopped beating for a split second before I started beating way too fast.

Courtney looked at me, i could feel her heart beating fast as well, since she was right next to me.

She glanced at Aidan and at the other boys, but she couldnt say anything. A string was tied around her face, in her mouth. Like you do it with horses so they listen to you when you ride them.

"You come out and we talk, and as return, i wont kill your friend. Sounds like a good deal, right?" He said, laughing dirty at Laura.

She made noises and moved hard but not hard enough. Aidan pulled the gun. And my hand tightened around mine as i wanted to stand up.

"I count to 3. One."

Courtney on the other side pulled me down and mentioned me to stay there.

"Two." She laid her gun away and now she was the one standing up, quietly.


"STOP!" She said loudly and looked at Laura and then at Aidan as she stepped towards him.

"See who we have there." He said, still smirking big as he now walked a few slowly steps to her.

"Lay the gun away, Aidan." Courtney said calm.
of course she talked calm, how else should you talk to someone like this. Everything else could have made him mad or could have made him wanting this more.

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