chapter 49

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previously on faking it:
I smiled at the thought of this. This was it, i lost my virginity. But not to someone, no. I lost my virginity to the boy i fell in love with stronger than i ever thought i could.

My eyes were heavy and i really wanted to sleep. I looked up to ross and he looked down at me, smiling weak.

None of us said something in this 15 minutes where we were laying like this. I smiled tired again and then he kissed me one last time, "I have to go." He whispered sadly.

I didnt let him move, "stay, please.. I can sleep good at your side." I earned a little chuckle of him and he relaxed again.

I looked at him and he smiled more, "sleep, babygirl." My stomach began feeling weird at this. Gosh i was in love.

I laid in his arms and cuddled up to him, hiding my face in his neck. Ross pulled the blanket up and started brushing his fingers trough my hair, i calmed so fast.

The last thing i heard before drifting away was him saying 4 little words.

"I love you too."


Ross' Pov.

Can you believe it? because I could not. We slept together. we had sex.

As we went to the cinema, i thought i would walk with courtney and laura home and that was it. But damn, Courtney had to go so i had to walk Laura home alone. Well, I thought she would say bye with her soft voice, give me a tight hug and then close the door, like she always did. But she asked me in instead.

Laura just fell asleep, i wasnt sure if she heard me or if she already was drifted away. But one thing i know for sure, After this, she was mine.

Mine and mine only. And i was hers. I knew she was virgin. I knew i was the one taking it away from her. But that just showed me, shes ready to try.

try a relationship with me. She didnt let Simon steal her virginity. I guess she was waiting for the right one. Looks like i was the right one.

I loved this girl with everthing you can love. I was attracted to her, she was all I needed, all i ever wanted and now she was laying in my arm sleeping.

Gosh this night was perfect.

*the morning after*

Lauras Pov.

I woke up at the noises of birds twitching and the sun falling in my face. The first thing I noticed were Ross' periodically breaths. I looked at his sleeping self.

He was so beautiful I had to smile. And my smile stretched as i thought of what happened the night before. Ross didnt leave as i fell asleep, He stayed.

I bent over him and laid my lips on his, let them linger on his. Not even 5 seconds later, he started kissing me back while laying his hand on my cheek.

Then i pulled away again and looked at him, he still had his eyes closed but he smiled, "good morning." I whispered smiling light.

"Morning." Ross said totally sleepy and stretched himself a bit before opening his eyes and looking in mine.

His hazelnut brown eyes, which i loved so much. His messy hair, this sleepy face. His abs, his legs, his waist. His mouth, his nose, his ears.. i loved everything about him.

We looked in each others eyes for a long while, at least that's what it felt like, before he leaned in and kissed me again. i was laying next to him and bent over him. we still were naked, it felt weird that i didnt care that we could see my breasts or my pussy. But seriously, i so didnt care.

This kiss was soft. really really soft. His mouth moved slow and we also didnt kiss hard. We kissed light, hardly touching each other's lips. It was beautiful.

He was beautiful.

Short little boring chap. I know it didnt happen much,but yeah. feeelings :)

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i love you all! ❤️

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