chapter 61

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*2 hours later*

I processed what happened. Courtney led me to the house again, it was so much bigger than it looked from the outside.

She spoke with me about all this. She wrote this note to scare me, because everyone takes care of themselves more when they're frightened. But Court said she didnt call me 'Ross fuckboy Lynch' That still was weird.

She told me we were going to practice three times a week, always for 4 hours. 2 hours fighting, 2 hours learning how to use the weapon. Regularly every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but things could change.

Dylan took me here that way because he liked to pretend that he was a bad boy. He wasn't at all. He was nice when you got to know him.

Scooter was, well, in need of getting used to. I think he didnt have a good childhood. I also felt sorry for him somehow.

I asked Courtney how she made it to get bodyguards. That was when Jace Wayland came to word again.

He was couch here and trained all of us. Figured he was also a lot more, he wasnt just this awesome boy of our school Courtney felt something for. Scooter and Dylan were his friends, and he founded this like 2 years ago, because of a big fight he had with someone who promised to kill him, but in the end this person was too afraid to fight against Jace. They decided to just let this go on.

Jace and Courtney thought it was the same boy who now also wanted to hurt Courtney, so Jace showed her this and promised to protect her. But she wanted me to help her too, since i was her best friend.

After this speech, Courtney walked me to a room. She looked at me and opened it slowly.

"When you need some privacy, here is your room. It isnt much, but you shouldn't live here, just to calm a bit, because sometimes this can be exhausting." She smiled a bit and i walked in.

There really wasnt much. A simple bed with shabby pillows and one old blanket. A desk with pencils and papers. and a window.

I nodded, "thank you.." I sat down on the bed and heard it creak.

Courtney looked at me short before speaking up, "Imma go and fetch your clothes." She said and then slowly disappeared.

There i was now. Sitting in this room. I didn't feel uncomfortable, yet i did. I mean i couldn't tell Laura any of this. I would lie to her again.

My phone buzzed in exactly that moment. I took it outta my pocket and smiled as i read Lauras name on the display.

(phone conversation)

R: Hey, dont wonder why i am not in school, i had to go home because i wasnt feeling well. Take care of yourself, Princess. Ily

L: omg i was wondering where you are, but its okay. Are you feeling better? Can i come over? I could cook something. A soup?

I smiled more, She was so caring. But then I remembered that i wasn't actually at home, so i had to find some excuse.

R: Youre such a sweetheart. But no, i was about to sleep a bit. Can i come over tonight? Then you can still cook me my soup ;b

I hit send and watched the message arriving. Not only 1 minute passed by as my phone buzzed again.

L: My parents are home, so no sex tonight! But yes of course you can come over bby. ❤️ just sleep a bit. I want you to feel better. Nighty. ❤️

I laughed a bit.

R: Our relationship isn't just about us having sex all day all night, laying next to you and watching you fall asleep also is nice, you know?

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