chapter 45

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We often were alone. But some thing really got me nervous today. I looked at her and how she took 1 glass outta the sink and first cleaned it before placing it on the table and taking the coke outta the fridge.

"You're sure you want nothing?" She asked me again and i nodded, assuring her.

Laura rolled her eyes playfully and sat down on one of the chairs, i took place on the opposite of her, looking to my hands.

Should i have maybe told her what i felt? Its been 2 months since our conversation about that she couldnt do a relationship. Couldnt she still?

I frowned while being sunken in my thoughts and looking to my hands, when she spoke up. "Ross, youre being pretty quiet today." She obviously noticed me thinking.

I then looked up at her and she took a sip of her coke, "When will your parents come back?"

She shrugged, "tomorrow?" a little smirk came up in her face, maybe she didnt even want to smirk, maybe she thought i didnt see it. but i did, and for some reason it made my heart skip.

"So you are going to be alone at night?" I asked.

Laura bit the inside of her cheek but then nodded, "probably."

after she finished her drink at least 1 hour later, no, i dont know what we did that it took that long, we stood up and went to her room to chill a bit.

I closed the door and she gazed at my back, i felt it. When I turned around and saw her looking at me, I flexed my jaw.

This tension between us grew with each second we were looking at each other. I didnt know what it meant, i didnt know what to do.

"Ross?" she said, quietly. I breathed in and shook my head, "Yes?" I answered.

Lauras Pov.

I looked at him, focused on his back. at least until he turned around, then i also looked at his chest before eyeing him.

I told you i saw him often shirtless, but i never really took notice of those 'marks' he told me from, so i got curious.

"Could you dress off your shirt?" I was afraid to ask. I didnt want to sound like i wanted to have sex with him.

He dropped his mouth a bit, just a little bit and hesitated with his move but then nodded light, grabbed his shirt on his neck and pulled it over his head, slowly.

I swallowed and bit my lip as i walked closer to him. This gorgeous body was bare in front of me.

Ross just stayed where he was, with his shirt in his hands. He tried to keep his heartbeat evenly, but as soon as i touched his back, I felt he took a breath and his heart began beating faster.

He also got goosebumps what made the corner of my lips move up a little, but then i looked at his back, slowly stroking over it.

There were marks which didn't look like they were made from the punches of his dad. I licked over my lip.

Ross looked down and then turned his head light to me, he couldnt move that much but he knew at what i was looking. "There are also a few marks from," he hesitated again, actually didnt want to say it out loud, "girls."

My heart fell into my stomach, it hurt me but I nodded just. "Does that hurt?" I asked careful as i still touched his back.

"No." Then he turned around and i saw how fucked up he actually looked. His chest marked with scratches.

I drove his chest along, not knowing what reaction it caused to his body. I looked at him again, in his eyes. And i swear,

they got darker.

just gonna leave it like that. 😌
yeah i was bored the whole day, thats why heres another chap :) you dont mind, do you?

comment fav line! comment as much as you can brcause how you know i freaking love comments!!

you are all such beautiful souls. When i read your comments how much you love my story my heart warms up. i cant believe there are people who actually like what i write. im still not used to it. i love writing and even more i love you guys❤️

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