chapter 9

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lauras pov

"Hey.." he really boyfriend came to spend an evening with me.

"Hey..", he said back.

"come in.." i smiled slight and got a step byside. He walked past me and dressed off his shoes. "Are you..hungry or thirsty?", i smiled at him and closed the door.

"no, its alright."

"kay.." i whispered a little nervous.

He saw my nervousness but didnt say anything. "so, me your room", he smiled at me.

I nodded and took him to my empire, the only place in this world i could be alone, "here it is", i said shyly.

He looked around always nodding his head as if he wanted to say 'nice', until he sat down on my bed, "Which movie are we actually gonna watch?" Ross asked. His voice sounded strange.

ross pov

"Uh um..i dont know..", Laura said. She still sounded nervous. But i was too.

"Show me which movies you have", I actually couldnt believe i was with her instead of Maia, even if it was just for, at the most, 2 hours until i went to my true girlfriend. Laura took the Dvds and showed them to me. A few romantic movies and ..urg, horror movies. Not that i hated them, It just didnt feel right to watch them with a girl i didnt have any feelings for, because she probably would have hidden in my chest.

At the end we decided us for the movie 'the notebook'. As i said i wanted to watch this movie she looked at me confused. "You sure?", she said.

I smiled, "Hey, im famous. Not callous". She giggled and for the first time this evening, my smile was true.

We laid down on the bed, a little in distance and i placed the portable DVD player on my lap. After the few first minutes of the movie i got a message, i just looked at the display: Maia. Of course..but i didnt click on the message and put my phone away again. I was going to explain when i drove over to her. I looked to Laura, she was totally focused on this movie. Cute..somehow.

I never did that with Maia. Just laying next to each other, Watching a movie. I loved her, and i know she loved me but each second i spent with Laura, i was more sorry for her. She was a good girl and didnt deserve this. Maybe she wasnt the handsomest, but she also wasnt the my opinion


who all knew it was going to be Laura he drove to?:)

soon is the make over woop woop.



Twitter; rikersmaia

insta: onlyraura, asdfgr5

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