chapter 40

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Ross Pov

I felt weird, she sat there next to me and it happened so much between us.. Too much.

Just a few hours ago, as I went to her and actually wanted to talk with her. I turned around and walked home and now she is here and wants the same.

"My dad.." I whispered while looking to my hands.

One day, i came home from school and he was drunk as shit. He screamed at me for no reason, i stayed calm but he didn't stop.

Then he began pushing me, against the wall and punched me always screaming, "come, do something!" Like he wanted me to punch back.

I noticed how she turned to me, "what to you mean?"

"My dad has done that stuff to me.." She catched a breath and i slowly faced her.

"He's an alcoholic.." I continued and she looked at my head.

"Im so sorry.." Laura whispered and eyed the injuries in my face. My forehead, my eyes, my nose, my chin. And then,

Then she looked at my lips, probably because they looked bad.

"Oh my god.." Laura touched my lips and my heart began beating faster.

Her touch were sending chills over my back. It was hard for me to control myself.
We were so close, i just could press my lips on hers. Total easily i could make her get lost in my kiss again.

She sat in front of me, we both sitting cross-legged and i looked down at our legs.

How easy i could pull her tiny body onto my lap. I thought about that until she lifted up my chin.

Her eyes were sad and i swallowed quietly as she laid her hand onto my cheek.

Laura approached my face slowly and looked into my eyes, then at my lips.

2 inches away from my lips, i turned away and her eyes opened in shock.

I wanted to kiss her so badly, but not like this.

"Im sorry.." She whisperes and pulled away.

I turned to her again, "you said you needed time. You had time and now you're here. What is your decision?"

She looked to her hand and i waited, i was afraid i would lose her forever.

"You betrayed me and you lied to me. You were faking it..but you also tried to make it up to me. And i believe you that you're sorry and that you love me..bu-"

I couldn't take her saying it, "but you don't love me.." I nodded, sadly.

Laura chuckled and shook her head, "I do. I love you."

What did she just say? I couldn't believe my ears. I knew she did, somehow. But hearing it from herself was..incredible.

Hey people.
So yeah 4 hours left to 2016 in Germany. Wuhuuu.

New year new me and stuff hahahhahahahahha. No

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