chapter 77

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"No!" I said loudly and pressed my dad against the wall after he stood up and walked up to me, "Youre lying!"

He on the other side just started laughing, "Oh please, you Idiot." He pushed me away and looked sternly at me, "You were born one month after it. my beloved wife thought i was away because of work so often, but actually i met up with Lauras Mom. We had an affair. But Laura never was planned. I left her mother because I loved Stormie. And i love riker, rocky and rydel. But you. You are a shame for this family."

I got freaking mad, my fists formed and i pressed them that close together my nails drilled into my skin.

"Why did you not mean to tell me that i DATED MY SISTER!! That i have another sister at all!!" I screamed at him. I was short before hurting him. It hurt,my heart hurt.

"Now you know or? i would say you stop kissing and fucking her right?" he laughed smirking.

This was too much for me. I punched him in the face. one time. He punched back, I pulled him close and beat him up as good as i could. But he still was better than me.

As hard as he punched my nose, i think it was broken by now. "I hate you!" I said in his face while holding him. the taste of blood in my mouth was fucking disgusting.

My dad let go of me short before Rydel came downstairs, "oh my god.. Ross!"

Dad stood leaned against the wall, smirking, bleeding, breathing hard.

I looked to Rydel and then to him, then i shook my head, took the letter and left the house.

Sitting down in my car, I started to think about it. I read the letter. again and again.

How was this even possible? She didnt look like my dad at all. And after all we've been trough, i couldn't believe it. But there it stood.

My whole body hurt, but this pain was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. After months of loving Laura, i got to know she was my sister. After lots of cute, sad and freaking hot moments between us. I saw my sister naked? I slept with my sister?

I closed my eyes. Everything i saw was Laura. I had to talk with her. I didnt believe this. any of it. Laura wasn't my sister, it didnt feel like it.

I started the car and drove to the city, stopped at some cafe and dialed Lauras number.

"Hey, I know its been like 30 minutes since i drove you home, but i need to see you at Grannys. Now. No time for explanations, just come here as fast as possible."

After that i hung up. I went into the caffee and looked around. "Hey." A girl voice said.

I turned around shocked but noticed it was the waitress. I smiled friendly but weak and took a seat where i waited of Laura.

I felt the look of this girl drilling on me, but i didn't manage to look to her. I knew she was blonde, i saw it.

Suddenly i remembered that the speech was probably gonna end with a break up. I got to break up with the love of my life who should be my sister? this was so unreal.

A few minutes later i got interrupted from thinking by Laura walking into the caffee. "Ross, what's wrong?!" As soon as Laura saw me she dropped her mouth, "Oh my god! what happened to you? Your dad? Oh my god!"

I looked at her short and sighed, "Sit down please. I gotta show you something." I bit my lip and watched her sitting down slowly.

"Youre scaring me." Laura said quietly.

"Im scaring myself.. My dad gave me this. read." I gave her the letter and looked careful at her, nippling at my nails.

She read the letter and i literally saw that she got more confused line by line. word by word. When she finished she looked up to me, "What the fuck?"

"Yes, that is a perfect description to describe our situation. Do you get what it means?.." I said, almost whispering the last part.

"I mean i get what my mom wrote here, but .." Suddenly her mouth dropped, "Does this mean you are.. and we are-"

I nodded my head yes, i felt that i was becoming freaking sad second by second more, "I dont believe it, it doesn't feel like it."

Laura swallowed, "Ross, your dad is mark lynch. your family are the lynches."

"Yes i know that. But my dad had an affair with your mom. He told me a bit about it one hour ago. I just dont get why he kept it a secret that long if he knew it the whole time.."

Laura took my hand, "Ross. This cant be true."

I slowly pulled my hand away, "Then why should he have this note..Laura, it is how it is..Im sorry but.."

"I am afraid this conversation is gonna end with goodbye." Laura said to me, sadly of course.

I shrugged weak, "It hurts to be around you, not being able to kiss you because youre my sister."

"So this is a break up?" Lauras voice was shaking and i knew she would start tearing up. It hurt me so much.

"For now. We will talk about it with your mom and i dont know some kind of person.. just not now, i need a rest."

Laura bit her lips together and nodded, looking down, "Okay." She whispered.

"Listen, Laura. This changed nothing about my feelings for you. I just need to come over it, and you should too. I will text you later..okay?"

She only nodded because i think she was unstable. And also i was short before a mental breakdown. I stood up and left the caffee.

i think i finally did it. I broke the writers block. hopefully.:)

okay fave line maybe? yes? no? too early?

someone who finds the one tree hill quote ? no? okay.

i love you all hopw you still love me too.

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