chapter 19

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Ross pov.

"Maia,..she..cheated on me.." I said, hoping she would finally let me give a chance to talk to her. And actually! she stopped walking again, but she didnt turn around to face me.

I was thinking, lately. I thought about the weirdest things. Why is the earth round and not flat? Why is the sky blue and gets dark when its about to get late? Why am I living on and on, when so good people have to die? Why is red the color of love, but also of blood?

I didnt find an explanation for those things. But in one thing, i became sure with time. Blood, mostly, means pain. And love can give you deep pain too, thats probably why it has the same color - its laying close next to each other.

Laura now looked back, I took the initiative and continued talking, "She has an affair with Ryan. She cheated on me with my best friend."

Completely turned around, I saw that she didnt expect that. But i also knew she wasn't going to forgive me. I waited for her to say something.

Laura pov.

I looked at him, shocked. Although i thought they have broken up, cheating? I always knew Maia was a little bitch, but cheating is even for her ridiculous.

I saw how terrible he felt, but i got to keep what i built up, "So, you mean she cheated on you, like you cheated on me?" I stayed strong, I couldnt show him how i felt about the past.

"Laura..What i did was something else!" He tried to explain, but i just laughed hurt, "Aha, and what excatly was the difference?"

He came closer, not too close, just that close that we didnt have to speak loud. But i wanted to, i really wanted to scream at him. "It was a bet, i never wanted to do this! It was a mistake.."

I chuckled at this sentence, "Ross, I already went trough this. I got betrayed, I got hurt. They all used me. And there is one thing i learned by going through this."

He looked at me waiting before quietly asking, "A-and what?" He was quite nervous, i could tell.

"Cheating is a choice, not a mistake." were the words which left my mouth in a strong but hurt voice. I remembered everything, everything those other boys did.

"Laura, i know what i did was wrong! I know I shouldnt have done this, but please! please listen to me!" He said and I was trying to keep calm. I tried. I really tried, but all those memories. It was too much.

I got mad. I got mad at him for all the things the other boys did to me, "Dont you fucking understand that i dont want to speak with you! nor i wanna see you or smell you!" Me by myself was surprised, but i wasnt finished, "Everytime i trust someone, they give me a reason why i shouldnt! Im done, okay?! I just dont want this anymore! I trusted you. I felt good when i was with you, but now it just hurts to see you an-" He cut me off.

"How can i make this up to you?" His voice was weak, and so was he. He was a little weak boy which lost everything. from 100 to 0.

I laughed again, "How you can make this up to me? Hm, i want an unicorn, and million dollars, oh and i wanna meet George Clooney an-"

"I was serious, Laura!" Ross screamed, sadly. I knew i was important to him, otherwise he wouldnt care so much to get me back.

"You cant make this right! I hate you, Ross. I fucking hate you and when there is something which i really regret the most, then is it trusting a little asshole like you." I looked at him, while he looked around, now also hurt.

"Do you wanna know why Maia cheated on you?" I asked him but didnt wait for the answer, "Because thats what you are. An Asshole. Just go to hell." This were the last words i said before turning around and running away.

Ross Pov.

I bit my lip. I never expected Laura to be that badass, Laura was the good person next door. She was sweet and funny. It was cool hanging with her.

Now everything she was, was cold.

I looked after her. She ran away, away from me. And she hated me, probably with her whole heart. I sighed and turned around, walking back to my car.

As i found out, Maia was cheating the whole time on me, I was done with my life. I never knew how real pain felt, but after that evening, i could write a book about it.

I mean, I loved this girl with my whole heart. Maia wasn't the perfect cute Girlfriend you know from movies, but I also didnt want a perfect cute Girlfriend. I wanted her, she was perfect her own way and getting to know she cheated on me was, like, the worst moment in my life.


4 days after Laura found out about the dare, me & Maia had a little, but just tiny fight. It was about how she was behaving around her. Maia threated Laura like a piece of shit, but Laura did not deserve this at all.

We made up a few minutes after the fight and i thought everything was good. I planned a surprise for her and drove over to her place the next day, so Sunday.

I entered the house, because I always did. Walking up the stairs, i recognized a familiar voice. I got slower until i was in front of her room door, there i stopped.

"Really, I'm so sorry for Ross.." Ryan said.

Why the hell was Ryan there? It was Sunday night. I got a bit panic.

"Oh yes..I'm too.." It was now Maia who was talking. Her words sounded sad, but her voice..They both began laughing.

"When do you wanna tell him that youre together with me?" Ryan asked Maia and right then, i felt my heart breaking.

"Pff, i dont know. He always buys good stuff for me and y'know i really like all those necklaces and rings"

She was using me? How long? I mean, didnt she love me? I didnt understand the world at this moment. What have I done.. Hurting Laura because of Maia. Laura was way better than her.

Ryan laughed a bit again, "It would break his little heart. Poor him."

That was enough, i slowly walked down the stairs again and went home.

Flashback end.


SO guys, new chapter. I hope you like iiit :))

CoMMENT FAVE LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tell me, was it what you thought hes gonna say? I know youre all waiting for a raura moment to happen, and well what should I say. One is coming soon (;

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