chapter 52

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After a few hours of talking, Laura laid inbetween my legs, we both were doing things with our phone again.

But then i looked at her and throw my phone on the bed, "Laura?" I asked,quietly.

She turned her head in my direction and looked at me, "yes?" She smiled.

"I love you." Her eyes brighten up at this sentence. Laura nod, smiling big.

"I love you too." She said and sat up, sitting in front of me, looking at me short before looking to her phone again then.

I sat up too and watched her typing, "what are you doing?" I asked, quietly.

"Tweeting about what you've just said." Laura giggled and i just smiled more.

She was the cutest person on earth. Tweeting about me just because i told her how i felt. Who would do that?

"You're so cute." I whispered smiling weak again. I was so in love with her.

Even tho i didnt see her face, i knew she smiled. I gazed at her a while before taking her hair to the other side and starting to kiss her neck.

I heard her let out a little giggle, "Ross.."

She loved when i did this. I already figured that out. She always closed her eyes to enjoy it more.

I kissed her neck up and down, slowly. At some point she let out a little moan, so i knew i had found her sweet spot.

I started sucking and she instantly moaned a bit more. Gosh I loved this sound.

Soon I turned her head to me and kissed her soft lips. Laura made me lay down and came on top of me, kissing me slightly yet strong and passionately.

*the next day in school*

We were driving to school in my car, we wore our sunglasses and i would say, we felt cool.

When I stopped the car, we got out and after I locked the car we started walking and i laid my arm around her shoulder.

I smiled, "this will never be not cool." That was when I earned a giggle of her.

We stopped in front of the school building and I turned to her, "have a nice day, alright? good luck with your test and I'll see you in the next break." I told her to have fun in school every day even tho i wasnt gonna leave or something. we just werent in same class.

"love you babygirl." I said and gave her a kiss and she answered back smiling before going over to her friends.

I smiled after her when i heard a voice behind of me, "Ross fuckboy Lynch."

I rolled my eyes and turned around, but didnt see anyone. I got confused and went into the school building to look if there was someone.

"Did i just imagine this?" I whispered to myself, standing there all alone. I looked around when i saw something on my locker.

I went there and there was a little note on it. confused i took it and read quietly,

"enjoy the last days with your girlfriend."


anyways, i have done shit. Im not sure if im able to update often again. I try my best but also school is bothering me and stuff.



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